°•°Chapter 3°•°

378 26 16

"There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love."

― Martin Luther King, Jr.

Reese's POV.

"I'm sure there's some misunderstanding here Mr. Connor," rubbing my temple, I silently pray that this isn't true. Losing this photography contract would be a nightmare and I put everything I had into working for this shoot.

"I'm sorry Reese but there's nothing I can do about it. Mr. Toussaint is really angry right now and Ms. Vandermeer is missing right now but don't worry you'll get back whatever you've invested in this shoot so far." Sure, but what about the time I invested in it?

"Alright but if there any chance for the engagement shoot to continue, can you guys help me get the contract?"

"Of course Reese, you're our first choice,"

"Thank you, Mr. Connor." I hang up sighing. Seriously, though, the model had to run away in the middle of the shoot that would've covered the expenses for my dad's surgery.

"What's wrong Reese?" Ray questions as he enters the room with some coffee. "Nothing,"

I shake my head before taking the coffee mug from Ray. Well, it is not just me having a loss here; even the magazine that was going to print the pictures of Mr. Toussaint and his fiancé is going to have to suffer the loss now. Sure, the model probably did not care about all the lives she will be ruining when she decided to ditch her fiancé.

"I need a new contract to work on Ray, the engagement shoot has been canceled," I tell him as he sits down on the other side of the small dining table. Ray is my childhood best friend and he has always been there for me when I needed him.

He gives me a thinking look as he takes a sip of his steaming coffee, "I've got no photography contracts but I can bag you a contract in ghostwriting and website designing,"

"You're a life savior buddy," and yet again Ray to my rescue. I give him a smile, "We'll always have each other's backs, Reese,"

Ray's phone goes off and he excuses himself to take the call. He's a guy who always pushed me to do my best in all I have and I can't ever repay him for what he's done for me.


"I love you, Mills," I confess my feelings to the beautiful woman lying naked next to me with a thin white bedsheet covering her. She opens her eyes looking at me shocked, which makes my confidence drop. I know we agreed on a no strings attached relationship but I could not help having feelings for her.

She shuffles uncomfortably next to me before sitting up holding the bedsheet to her body. "How could you Reese? We agreed on a no strings attached relationship,"

"I know... but I just couldn't help it. It was too late by the time I realized that I'm falling for you," Millie sighs before getting off the bed.

"Listen, we can't be together Reese and I'm sorry if I did anything to give you hope about us," she starts putting on her clothes as I stand up just dressed in my pants and take long strides towards her. She expected me to not feel anything for her after being together for almost every day in the past year?

I grab her by her arm, forcing her to look at me, "Are you seriously telling me that you didn't notice the way I was jealous every time you spoke to another guy or tried to make you feel special all along?"

"I don't know what you're talking about Reese." She dismisses me and looks away but I held her in place still hurt about how she's ignoring me.

"Alright let's just say I believe you, but can't you just give me a chance at least?" I look at her with pleading eyes, with a hope that she'd let me in. For once in my life, I craved something constant and that's Millie.

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