°•°Chapter 7°•°

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"Whether it's friendship or relationship, all bonds are built on trust. Without it, you have nothing."

Reese's POV.

Grabbing Irene's hand, I take her to my car before she changes her mind about not going back to Alex. That bastard. After listening to the story, I feel like killing him and Irene's dad.

"I'm not going back, I promise." Irene tries telling me in a convincing tone with worry on her face, trying to read my mind. "After your whole 'I can't put you into trouble' talk, I don't think you can be trusted to not go back to that fucking bastard."

I don't know why I'm so protective of her but for now, the fact that she's my friend is good enough of a reason. Though this girl does make my heart flip, I don't think I've got time to figure out what I feel.

Getting into the driver's seat, I put on my seat belt and my eyes meet Irene's worried ones. "We barely even know each other,"

"Well, that will be taken care of since we have a long trip ahead," I answer reversing the car back onto the road before I start driving towards Los Angeles once again. I drive in silence and notice Irene staring out of the window just lost in thoughts.

I had bad experiences with women before or rather a woman, Millie but Irene just seemed so different. Though I had my doubts in the beginning, she's just a genuinely good person who's been taken advantage of. I managed to convince her to stay with my family until she finds her own place and feels safe in LA but she seems so indecisive. She might as well run back to Alex at any sign of threat she sees me facing because well she's too good of a person to put anyone into trouble.

With her legs against the dashboard, she slowly falls asleep. I need to stop stealing a glance at her now and then. I turn my attention back to the road and continue driving.

It's going to start raining again and this road trip is going to take way longer than expected cause well can't drive in this heavy rain. My phone rings getting my attention, Ray.

"Hey there," I try sounding as if I'm in a fine mood.

"How's the trip coming along?"

"Well, you know rain, rain, and more rain so having to take more breaks than I initially planned to," I respond sighing. I didn't even tell him about Irene yet but I don't think I can handle Ray freaking out on me either.

"Drive safe buddy, just call me when you halt somewhere," he tells me with a distracted tone, clearly busy with some work.

"Will do. Take care of yourself too," I hang up with that and stop the car aside to open a can of coke. I look over at Irene who's fast asleep against the window, with her hair curtaining her face. I extend my hand and tuck her hair behind her ear before getting back to opening my can of coke.

She looks so peaceful in her sleep, how could Alex even feel like hurting her? A faded bruise at the back of her neck gets my eye and I feel the anger coming back up. I let out a deep breath and look away from her taking a sip of my coke.

I have no idea how I'm going to protect her from Alex, but I sure am not letting her go back to him. She deserves a better life.

And I might be falling for this girl without even noticing it. just one day but there's been so many surprising things about her, can't even begin to imagine how much more there is to her.

As long as I don't creep her out with my personality, we should be just fine I guess.


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