°•°Chapter 12°•°

186 17 3

"Never stop smiling not even when you're sad, someone might fall in love with your smile."

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Irene's POV.

I don't think life can get any better than this right now. Stargazing with Reese just feels amazing, the best birthday gift I could get. I wrap my arm around him with my head resting on his shoulder as he looks at me with a smile pulling me closer.

There's so much baggage I'm bringing along but not for a second did he let me like I'm alone on this. One week ago, we were two opposites and here we are with him protecting me. I feel selfish for dragging him into this but he doesn't seem like he's going to let me just go back to Alex. To feel deserving is going to take time but right now, the guilt of dragging Reese into this is still eating me up and I don't even think I deserve such a nice guy.

"Happy birthday Irene," Reese says with a bright smile decorating his face as he looks away from his watch.

"Thank you, thank you so much for everything Reese," kissing his cheek I try not letting any tears make their way. Well, I'm talking about tears of joy. "Stop thanking me,"

He shakes his head turning towards me, he does look alluring. If I didn't think about it before, he sure is the package of dashing looks and compassion. I pull him into a kiss which he responds to immediately, he makes me want to melt right in arms.

I deepen the kiss which ends up with Reese hovering me. Which seemed like kissing soon turned into a hot make-out session with me moaning. This guy makes me feel things I never felt before.

He stops and looks at me still breathless while still hovering me, "As much as I wish I could take you right now, I don't think this is the right time or place for it."

I nod with a flustered face with a small smile as he kisses my forehead and gets back to my side, snuggling me into his arms.

"I love you, Reese," the words roll out my mouth way easier than they ever did before. "Love you too,"

My concentration shifts back to the stars as I relish the feel of comfort next to Reese. His fingers run through my long brown locks making me close my eyes. I don't think I ever experienced this love before or comfort.

Mom died and dad remarried when I was five, things were never the same again or I probably realized that my life was going to be controlled a little too late. I could barely manage to get through university holding an animation degree with my own earning. All my hard work was put to waste when I had to turn into a model for Alex.

With all my insecurities about love, trust, and relationships, I ended up falling for Alex or so I thought. It wasn't until I found out, I was part of a trade between my unsympathetic father and the ruthless Alex who doesn't want to give up on ruining my life that I understood what love is. And Reese made me feel loved.

He respects my opinions, he understands the fact that I don't want to rush into things, and though I'm sure I love him, I want to make sure this is not me misinterpreting my feelings.

Before I realize it, my eyes start closing and I feel Reese tug me closer as he covers us with the blanket, "I'm so glad I came back to pick you up," his lips linger around my forehead before I fall into a blissful sleep.


A sigh escapes my lips as hot water streams down my body from the shower. I'm having a proper shower after so long after all and that I should thank Reese for it. He managed to get us a motel room for the next two days since he's also got work to catch up on and at least he needed a proper bed to sleep on after all the driving he's been doing.

I run my hands through my wet hair which reminds me of Reese running his hands through my locks most of the night. That calmed my nerves down so much, he probably has no idea.

"Irene there's breakfast. Are you coming out anytime soon?" I smile at his voice and get out of the shower, wrapping the bathrobe around myself before heading out. This birthday can't get better. With Reese, it feels like I've got everything I ever needed.

"I'm here," stepping out the smell of food hits me, making me feel the hunger. Reese looks up from his laptop to just flash me with a wide smile like a kid. He stands up putting his work aside, showing off his toned body as he still didn't change from the towel to actual clothes after a shower.

His arms wrap around me pulling me close making me realize how short I am compared to him, his lips meet mine. I caress his cheek as he prolongs the sweet kisses with one of his hand in my wet hair, "This is much better than breakfast, I can't ever get enough of you," if I wasn't blushing already, then I sure am now. My stomach growls making me facepalm myself out of embarrassment, way to ruin a moment Irene.

He lets out a small laugh shaking his head and pushes me towards the breakfast which is placed on the nightstand. Fried egg with bacon and toast. I sit on the bed next to Reese and start eating. Damn, that's good.

"I'm going to become a fat ass like I was in high school if I keep eating like this," I tell Reese with my mouthful of food. Fuck etiquette I was forced to follow.

"Well, I'd rather say you'll be healthier than you're right now and you'll still be the beautiful person inside out that I fell in love with."


"Yeah? I mean it when I say it," he says as a matter of fact and I still look at him with surprise. I give him a quick kiss with my heart doing flips. If I didn't have reasons enough before to love him then this one reason is enough. It might not be a big deal but that statement is proof that he'd love me no matter what.

We finish our breakfast and I turn to face him, "All my life, I was bullied for being a chubby kid in high school then Alex was the first guy whom I ever dated and he always had a problem with me being 'fat', in his language. My stepmom used to never let me eat anything sweet at least at home. So somewhere along the way, in my mind, I ended up believing people only love me if I look good but yeah of course 'love' isn't something that happened for me."

I let out a breath while Reese pulls me closer with my back against his chest and his arms around me. Yeah, he just pulled me to sit over him with nothing but his towel and my bathrobe in-between.

"So now you're telling me that you'd love me no matter what?" I ask him with a smile still dancing on my lips. "Yup love has nothing to do with how you look Irene. Those assholes who made you feel that way probably are too busy judging people to see what matters. What you are matters, not how you look. You are the kindest person I've ever met of course after my mom but that is what makes you special, you make me feel at home." He kisses my neck making my breathing get heavier.

"I love you, Reese, if I wasn't sure about it before, I am now. You make me feel normal like I belong and one week with you will never be enough." I tell him with my eyes closed as I feel him smile against my skin.

"I love you too and I never was planning to let you go," he whispers sending shivers down my spine. I turn around to face him, almost exposing my lower area but I hold the bathrobe down with a blush covering my face. Leaning close enough, "Make love to me,"

"You sure?" his voice almost comes out as breath and I nod before kissing him with all the love I have for him. He kisses back as our tounges move in sync and I feel his bulge poking through at me making him groan. His hands rushingly find their way to the opening of my bathrobe as he takes it off and I fidget with his towel trying to take it off. Reese moves down showering kisses all over my body making me moan.

"You're beautiful," Resse whispers into my ear before leaving a hickey on my collar bone. I suddenly become aware that we're both completely naked against each other and blush makes its way to my face. He flips our positions with me under him as his loving gaze meets mine, "I love you, happy birthday love," his fingers trace my cheeks before he kisses me with passion.

A tear slips away my eyes as he kisses me showing how much he loves me. He pulls away getting back to leaving kisses and hickeys everywhere on my body making me moan in pleasure.

There is no way, I can love this guy any lesser because every single day he makes me fall in love over and over again. There's no way any of my birthdays could top this one.


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