°•°Chapter 13°•°

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"You know, when it works, love is pretty amazing. It's not overrated. There's a reason for all those songs."

Sarah Dessen.

Reese's POV.

My hand runs through Irene's beautiful brown locks as she's fast asleep with her naked body flushed against mine. She seems so small next to me. I can't even count the number of times we made love today, to say I'm in love with her is an understatement.

Though hesitant at first, she told me about the cuts on her thighs out of the self-harm urges she had. With everything I learn about her, the impulse to protect her grows. I don't know where our future together is headed but no matter what goes on between the two of us, I plan on keeping her safe from Alex and her hell of a so-called family that put her through enough to last a lifetime.

I made sure that no one followed us from the beach to this bed & breakfast and covered my car with car-cover to prevent anyone from recognizing it. I at least wanted to make sure that nothing gets fucked up on her birthday and there are still five hours left so hopefully nothing runs over this bliss we are in right now.

Realizing that I still need to get done with some work, I kiss Irene's forehead before slowly getting off the bed once I make sure she's properly covered with the bedsheet.

Putting on my clothes, I walk down to the couch still shirtless and open my laptop to continue my work on the new project. The new brochures and a bunch of logos for a company that's expanding. I probably could start with my photography studio and the business now that dad's back from recovery.

I hear Irene shuffling on the bed as she searches for me next to her and finally sits up with her tangled hair raised a little making me smile as she looks at me. She sighs once her gaze lands on my face, "I thought you left,"

"You know I would never leave you, Irene," I say as she nods, getting her long hair together into a messy bun. She finally looks up smiling at me and I quickly grab my instant mini camera from my laptop bag next to me. She gives me a puzzled look and I snap a picture of her, "Hey! I'm naked under this sheet and I probably look like shit,"

She whines, standing up and grabbing my t-shirt from my half-opened bag before putting it on, what's the next best thing to having her naked against me? Her wearing my t-shirt.

Walking up to me, she leans down to give me a quick kiss caressing my cheek, "That picture is just for me," I tell her as she pulls away and smiles ruffling my hair before walking into the washroom.

With a grin, I look at the now developed film of the picture. The surprise on her face in the picture makes me chuckle with happiness, I got really lucky to have her. Placing the photograph in my diary, I get back to work.

I accidentally open the folder with the photoshoot with Alex and Irene. Just a glimpse and I could see how forceful her smile is, I quickly delete the entire folder with anger making its way back to me.

Shaking off my thoughts, I continue my work on photoshop, "Blue would look better than orange there," Irene startles me pointing out onto the screen with her leaning over my shoulder. Thank god, I didn't stick to exploring those stupid photos with Alex in them. I try out what Irene said and raise an eyebrow surprised, "How did you do that?"

"I hold an animation degree and did a crash course in applied arts remember?" she smiles plopping down on the couch next to me. She never fails to amaze me.

"We could be partners you know? Since I'm planning to start my own business," I tell her as the idea strikes me. "I'd love that but you're better at this and I haven't even put my skill to use in years which means I probably suck," I stop her rant by kissing her.

"Just help me then till you feel you can work again,"

"Okay..." though hesitant she accepts my offer and kisses me on the cheek. It'd be great to work with my girl and also give her back the lost confidence. Wait, do I get to call her my girl?

I close my laptop saving the almost complete work and put it aside before turning to face Irene, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Her eyes widen in surprise and I look at her hopefully, "I wouldn't want anything more than that,"

She almost jumps onto me wrapping her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. I hold her close kissing her shoulder, "Thank you,"

"No, thank you, Reese, for everything." She thanks me still holding onto me, I pull her apart before kissing her.

"Happy birthday Irene," I whisper against her lips as we resume our heated kiss. Feels like I got a gift for her birthday. I grab the camera from the table as Irene settles down on my lap. Luckily I worked in the morning too so I managed to get done with most of the work which means more time with Irene.

"I thought, we could take some photos together," I tell her adjusting the camera to face us before suddenly kissing Irene and snapping a picture.

The next with her laughing while I slightly tickle her and the last one with her kissing my cheek. Nothing better than making memories with the person you love. "I love you,"

She says staring at my face with a breathtaking smile, "I love you too," I kiss her nose making her giggle. A knock on the door interrupts us and I could immediately feel Irene's racing heartbeat, "It's just dinner,"

I tell her rubbing her arm in an attempt to calm her down before heading to the door with Irene tailing me, "I got dinner for you guys,"

Mrs. Marshall, the hostess says as I open the door slightly enough to grab the food, "Thank you, Mrs. Marshall,"

I thank her before she leaves and I close the door, handing the food over to Irene. Following her, I wrap my arms around her as she relaxes into my arms. I know she thought its Alex, to be honest, so did I, "How about some Netflix while we eat?"

Trying to cheer up her mood, I grab my laptop and drag Irene to the bed as her smile returns, "Sounds great," she replies finally as we look through the movies to watch.


I steal a glance as Irene lets out a laugh at a scene in the movie, Ocean's 8. Its 2 am already and we've already watched two movies, got to find a partner who stays up to binge-watch together. A knock on the door gets my attention and I feel Irene stiffen in fear.

"I know you guys are in there!" a man shouts from the other side of the door as I put on my t-shirt. If I didn't know any better, I already guessed who it is.

"That's Alex!" Irene whisper shouts as she grabs onto my arm. He fucking found us, of course, he did.

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