Chapter 17

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The stupid jerk was inside my head.

As soon as the battle started, I felt him searching through my mind. I have to admit, he'd gotten better at it. He waited for me to think of what I would do, then counter it.

I scrambled my head, trying to shut him out, but his will was simply too strong. I balled my fists in frustration. He just smiled at me from across the field.

I could hear the others whispering, trying to figure out what was going on. Sarah must've gotten bored, because the clearing lifted like in her battle against Monica.

I knew what I had to do. I would have to act impulsively.

'Don't think. Just act'

I whipped myself away from my end, teleporting right in front of him. Before he could move, I jabbed at his shoulder with my right hand. the impact sent him spinning, and almost toppled over the elevated battleground.

In a blur, I teleported time and time again, kicking here, punching there. I made sure he couldn't keep up with my thoughts. He was on the ground, and I was ready to finish this.

My body stopped. I looked down at Joe. He had his hand raised at me, stopping me in my tracks. He seemed confused, almost amused by something. I followed his gaze. The bottom half of my body wasnt there.

He had stopped me while I was teleporting. I saw my legs behind him. They ran up and kicked him right in the calf. He fell once again and my top half teleported to the rest of me.

Ice shards began pelting the field.

'Really, Monica?'

I started to run at him, making the mistake of thinking before I acted. It was too late. He predicted my roundhouse kick and caught it right before it reached his face. I tried to teleport away, but he had caught on and was using his ability to keep me from using mine.

He threw my foot backward, knocking me onto my back, knocking the wind out of me. He dashed at me, and I flipped back up to my feet, ready to fight. The battlefield rumbled, shifting again. We both stopped.

Most of the field was lowering, leaving a small circular arena that lay above the rest of the ground. This has just turned into some gladiator type crap. The new field was only about 6 feet wide, my feet were at the edge.

I turned back to Joe. We both circled around the arena, closing in. I realized all he had to do was use his ability to throw me off the edge, but he wouldn't do that. So it was hand to hand combat. Our fists raised, we got closer and closer, our forms closed and powerful.

With blinding speed, he jabbed with his right. I barely dodged it, his fist whistling past my ear. Almost immediately, he uppercut red with his left. I tightened my gut and took some of the blow away with my hands, but he landed. I yelped, registering the sharp pain. Air escaped from my lungs, and I staggered backwards, my vision somewhat blurry.

He executed a perfect low kick to my abdomen, and I went flying. The pain in my stomach burned. I was falling, my lungs searching desperately for air. I tried to scream as my vision failed me. I felt my body jerk to attention. Joe must've stopped me before I hit the ground. I blacked out.

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