Chapter 21

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I didn't have time to react before I was dragged backwards, a hand over my mouth, away from Sarah.

I tried using my ability, but for some reason I was restricted. I could only create a small wisp of frost. I kicked and thrashed against my unknown kidnapper.

"Please, just stop. We'll explain. I promise," a boy's voice said in my ear softly.

I just wanted him to let me go-to let my friends go. Why would they want us? Are they working for him? I hear him open the back door to the cabin, his grip loosening just a bit. I writhe out and sprint towards the cover of the trees. I can almost hear him make an exasperated sound from behind me. I'm almost there, just a few more feet. Then a wall of green wispy energy blocks my path. I can't stop. The impact sends my feet off the ground, and when I land I roll to avoid some of the pain. My arm hurts-maybe dislocated.

'What the hell' I think to myself.

The boy is back over me and clearly see his face. His short waved dark hair leads to a smile that doesn't seem to ever go away. I want to punch him or kick but I hurt all over. He grabs me by the arm and I yell in pain, giving him a hateful look through my tears. His smile seems to falter just a second, a guilty look on his face.

"I'm sorry," he says apologetically , and gingerly grabs the other arm.

He half drags, half pushes me towards the open door. I'm too tired to resist.

"Just let us go," I plead.

"We can't. I'm sorry," he replies.

I've lost track of how many times he's apologized to me.

"Whatever," I mutter as we pass through the open door.

He lies me on a dingy couch next to my friends. Jason and Joe are unconscious. Iris is tied up to a rickety chair, her form flickering every few seconds. It takes me some time to realize that she's trying to teleport. When she sees me, she stops and gives me a half smile. In the corner of my eye, the boy drags another chair into a room, comes over to me, and guides me towards the chair. My arm still hurts like hell. The boy stands near the window. From my vantage point, I can see out of the dirt stained window.

The girl in the beanie seems to be pleading with Sarah, who has her back to the trees. The boy rushes out the door, and a few seconds later, he is by her side. He says something to the girl that I can't seem to make out, and almost immediately, thick vines rise from the ground, and whip him off of his feet, then a second slashes across his face. I flinch. Even though these guys are trapping us, that must've stung. When Sarah tries to slash at the girl, however, her vine retracts back into the ground. I take a closer look at the girl.

She seems to be emitting a slight purple glow. She must be the reason none of us can use our abilities properly. Iris continues to flicker next to me, her facial expressions showing how exhausted she is. I try to conjure up chunks of ice, but all I can manage is a small wisp, and even that dies quickly. Outside, Sarah strikes down at the boy with her foot, who is still on the ground. I smile, but at the last second, he waves his hand, and a shield of green energy appears in front of him. My smile fades as Sarah flies backwards, her head landing hard on the floor.

"Damnit," I say, pushing against the ropes around my hands with no avail.

They've got us all. What can we do now?

"Can you guys stop thinking so much. It's making my head hurt even more," a voice comes from the couch.

Joe's shoulders rise a little, and he turns to face us. I smile.

"Wait," Iris says, her form stops flickering for a moment. She leans forward. "How are you using your telepathy?," she asks, raising an eyebrow.

He shrugs and seems to ponder this.

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