Chapter 19

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I stare intently at the girls on the opposite side of the clearing, wondering what their plan is. My guess is that Iris will come out teleporting immediately. I'll have to try and stop her with my telekinesis. They're talking in hushed tones, their heads bent and I so badly want to use my telepathy to know what they're thinking...but I don't. I clench and unclench my hands, and my feet won't stay still. Jason is just as jittery.

We had both discussed our strategy telepathically. We agreed that I would stop any incoming attacks from Iris as she teleported as he creeped up the sides, and would take on Monica. It was simple, but foolproof. I hope.

'You ready?" I ask, reaching out to Jason's mind.

He looks at me, confidence written on his face.

'Hell yeah,' he thinks back.

The girls have stopped strategizing, and they're both staring us down. I playfully shove Monica's shoulder with my telekinesis, and she's pushed slightly off balance. I can almost see her eyes narrow, and I smile just to frustrate her even more.

'Ready, Princess Elsa?' I ask.

She seems almost taken aback, but smiles back.

'It's Queen to you, boy,' she sends back.

I just shake my head as Sarah jogs towards the center of the field. She grins excitedly at both of us and walks in a tight circle, her hands in the pockets of her sweats. I roll my eyes. She must be enjoying this. After what seems like forever, she finally speaks

"The last team standing wins. Doesn't matter if only one of you is left. Oh, and don't be embarrassed to stop the battle for me to heal you. We don't need anyone getting too hurt," she explains. I'm sure not one of us would disqualify ourselves. We have too much arrogance and pride for that.

She raises her hand into the air, and my heart flutters, blood pumping. She flicks it downward elegantly.

"GO!" she calls out, and bounds off the field. It's on.

Iris' plan sounded crazy when she explained it to me. There's no turning back now, though. As soon as Sarah called out for us to start, she leaped forward and teleported just in front of Jason and kicked him in the shin, then behind Joe, shoving him forward, onto the ground. I almost forgot the plan in my amusement. I smiled at how accurate Iris predicted things. The boys' anger drew their attention to her. She was moving too fast for Joe to get ahold of her, and Jason was fending off her light attacks.

I raise my hands to the sky, my ability's icy numbness filling my body, then stretching outwards from my arms. I hoped Iris could keep them busy, because this could take a while. I grunt in concentration as my power reaches the clouds above, my mind searching for moisture to freeze. I feel a grin spread across my face as I find it. I feel my muscles tense as the moisture freezes, and the sky darkens. I feel cold sweat run down my face. It takes all the power I have to pull this off.

I feel a force shove me to the side, and the clouds above my head waiver. Joe must be catching on. But it's too late. I hope he's in my mind.

'Eat this,' I think.

"UGGHH!" I yell, and bring down my arms, the tension in me released.

"Now!" I yell at Iris.

She teleports by my side, and I divert the massive hail away from our end. The boys are helpless. I chuckle, and before I know it Iris and I are laughing our heads off at them. Jason tries to awkwardly dodge the massive stones of ice, but is failing miserably. One hits him in the shoulder, and he falls to the ground. Joe has made a telekinetic bubble surrounding him, but with each pelt of hail, it weakens. With one more pelt, it disintegrates. He manages to deflect another hail stone, but two more hit him in the stomach. He falls.

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