Chapter 29

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Chapter 29


I picked the first room to my right on the second floor.

The door swung open with a satisfying click. The first thing I saw was the huge king sized bed in the center of the room. The bed frame stood all the way to the ceiling. It had an on suite bathroom to my left. Natural light floods in from a wall length window to my right. Could this get any better?

Then I saw the monstrous TV and proved myself wrong. I take a cautious step in the room, hoping that this isn't just a dream. I start walking towards the huge window, running my hand along the bed as I go, taking in the serenity of the room. Outside, there was a huge backyard, with a pool so enormous, I think it could constitute as a lake. Then I see the tennis court, and my heart sinks. We all used to play tennis for the high school, and most of the time, it was the best part of my day.

I started to think about all we left behind.

Did I make the right choice leaving them?

I pushed the thought away. I did what I had to do to keep them safe. The New Order wanted me, not them. All my accomplishments of my normal life seemed so insignificant, but for some reason, I found joy in them. A small laugh escapes from me before I realize it. I turn away from the window and all the nostalgia it brings, and turn my attention to the glorious bed. I run full speed, and jump right before I reach it, landing silently on the cool satin sheets. I feel my consciousness slip from my grasp immediately, lost in the expanse of comfort.

I usually don't dream when I sleep, I simply fall asleep and wake up, not remembering anything. But this time, as soon as my eyes closed, I feel like my mind is being invaded and contorted by an outside presence. I urge myself to wake up, feeling uncomfortable, but there's no way out from my own mindscape. It's dark, and I start to wonder why I have full consciousness in my dream when the girl appears.

She's young, maybe eleven or twelve, clutching a plush teddy bear. She stares at me, big clear innocent gray eyes. Her light blonde hair falls in all different ways, like she hasn't touched it in months. For a while, all she does is stare, her eyes seeming to pass right through me. I don't move, both confused and intrigued.

Is this a New Order trick?

"No," she says abruptly, shocking me.

Her voice is soft, yet it cuts the silence around us. The scene around us changes. The darkness contorts into shapes and colors until we're standing in what I guess is a cave. Except here, the stone is a little bit too perfectly carved into exact artificial edges. There are cells lining the wall in front of me, all of them with their doors hinged off. Then I see them. Joe, Alex, and Monica are off to the side, tending to a group of other kids our age with wild looks in their eyes.

"I came out of this one," the girl says, walking over to a cell towards the middle.

"How-how long were you here?," I ask, confused, keeping my eyes on my friends.

"They don't see you. Or hear you," she says looking at me expectantly.

She didn't answer my question.

"What is this?," I ask, looking around.

"Your dreams," she says, looking up at me, "I just came to show you this."

She waves her arm through one of the artificial cave walls, proving her point.

"So this isn't real?," I ask.

She seems to ponder this.

"No...but yes," she says quietly.

I'm not getting anywhere with this girl.

"This has actually happened. Your friends saved me," she says pointing towards the group.

My heart jumps. This means my friends are okay, and that we can reach them. I'm guessing this is a New Order prison

"They're having all the fun without us," I say, mostly to myself. I almost see the little girl smile happily.

"Where are they now?," I ask, kneeling down to face her.

"West Virginia state park," she replies immediately.

She searches my face for a moment.

"And you might want to hurry. They'll send more," she says eerily.

"I have to wake up then," I say quickly, turning to look at them. They're starting to exit the room, towards an expanse of hallways that must lead out of here. My friends lead the way out. I want to scream out to them, but I know it's no use. I turn back, and the girl is gone.


I bolt upright in the bed in a cold sweat, my heart racing. I look out the window. It's pitch black outside.

We have to get to West Virginia.


I follow Joe down the winding hallways, my breathing increasing. He turns randomly down the bleak hallways. We make no attempt to stay quiet, our footfalls thundering on the artificial stone. The escapees trail at a safe distance behind us. I know that the little girl could enter people's dreams.

At first I was skeptical that sending her to Jason would work, but he was asleep, which wasn't surprising. Hopefully they would come soon. I glance back, and see that she's riding on the back of the blonde boy who could change his skin to whatever he touches. He gives me a toothy grin, and I feel my cheeks grow hot.

Joe stops abruptly and I almost run into him. I look over his shoulder, and see a New Order girl blocking the path to the door. She has dark skin, her hair dyed a midnight blue. I walk forward, standing next to Joe. Alex comes and stands by me, his hands glowing slightly green. How much trouble could one girl give our small army?

"Move and you won't get hurt," Joe says, and I believe him.

A playful smile flickers across her face. She gives a clear laugh, and the mood in the hall changes.

"You don't want to hurt me," she suggests, her voice oddly intriguing.

I see Alex's hands dim, and Joe seems conflicted, a deep drown on his face. They give her stupid looks, and I look back. Most of the prisoners seem to be in a trance as well.

"Just wait here. I have friends that are coming. Don't you want to say hi to them?," she asks innocently, her dark eyes staring at all of us at once.

I almost agree with her, my thoughts clouding my judgement. Her voice seems to linger in my head, making my decisions for me.

"No," I say definitively, shaking my head.

Everyone around me seems appalled, especially the New Order girl, who gives me a deathly stare. She stares me down, trying to figure me out. Joe looks at me.

"I want to meet her friends," he says stupidly.

I turn to Alex, trying to plead with him.

"Don't you want to get back to Lissette?," I whisper to him.

He looks at me, his eyes glazed over. This girl has serious power. His hands glow a slight green again, and he nods slowly. We shouldn't have a problem as long as her charmspeak doesn't work.

"Who needs Lissette when you can have Taylor?," she says seductively, gesturing towards herself.

The blonde prisoner boy even takes a step forward, the little girl on his back giving him an incredulous look and slapping him across the face. He doesn't seem to register this. Jealousy pangs through me for some reason, and I feel my body temperature drop as ice shards form in my hands.

"Because Lissette is where it's at you whore," a voice comes from behind Taylor, if that's even her real name.

Something seemingly hits her in the head, and she's down, breathing heavily. Everyone snaps out of their trance, shaking their heads. Lissette appears, towering above the girl's limp body. I smile. Alex smiles even wider.

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