Chapter 13

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We started fighting immediately.

We all agreed that it would help us strategize, battle, and develop our abilities if we sparred against each other.

So we all trekked deep into the woods surrounding the cabin to find a place where we wouldn't be bothered and could train effectively. We were walking for about 15 minutes before we found a large clearing that could be used as a training and battling ground. It was surrounded by a thicket of trees. The grass was mostly alive, yet dead in some patches.

Sarah had been taking taekwondo for years, so not only were we going to be developing our abilities here, but training in hand-to-hand combat as well.

"Can I just say that this is awesome?", I said.

Everybody was smiling hard, unable to control their excitement.

"I think the large part of the clearing should be the battle ground," I suggested, pointing to the larger part of the clearing that spanned about 50 feet in diameter.

Everybody agreed.

"Hold up," Sarah said.

She walked to the edge of the clearing and moved her hands in a separating motion. The trees writhed to her will, bending, moving, and twisting until a smaller patch of land was exposed.

"Training ground," she explained returning to us.

"Show off," Joe said.

We all laughed, and walked to the center of the battle ground.

"So," I started,"we already discussed how we're gonna come up with the sparring match ups."

I pulled out the plastic red bowl from my backpack I brought with me. I found the bowl in one of the cabinets from the cabin. In the bowl, were the names of everyone here.

"Who wants to go first?", I said daringly.

Some hit the ground with their feet, some coughed, and some looked around.

"I'll go then, you babies," Jason said smugly, walking towards me.

He reached inside the bowl and retrieved a slip of torn paper. He unfolded it.

He cursed.

"Who is it?", I asked.

"You," he replied, looking me dead in the eye, a playful smile on his face.

"OOOHHHH!", shouted the other three. They snickered.

So I walked to one end of the battleground, and him the opposite. I smiled, thinking of strategies, the way I'd use my power, how I'd attack, how I'd defend. I didn't know how to really fight, since Sarah hadn't started teaching us yet, so it would be a contest of strategy and who could finish the fight.

Sarah walked to the center of the clearing, the grass turning a deep shade of green where she stepped, and an occasional flower bloomed.

"Alright,"she started,"here are the rules. Full use of abilities is allowed. Extensive damage to your opponent is prohibited. Sparring is over when your opponent submits or we have decided that it is over. Good?"

I nodded, my adrenaline pumping.

"I'll go easy on you, okay sweetie?,"Jason said from across the clearing.

I smiled.

"Makes it easier for me, honey," I shouted back.

Monica and Joe laughed from the sidelines.

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