Chapter 3

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I looked at myself in the mirror, my straight black hair falling just below my shoulders. I suddenly wished I was back in Taiwan, even though I visited fairly frequently, I yearned to return to the place where my parents were born and raised. It makes me feel closer to them in a sense. I picked up my green hairbrush, the one with the picture of a cat with its paw in a bottle of mayo, and ran it threw my hair a few times before leaving my room.

I was up before everybody else, as usual, but I didn't mind.

'I am the chosen one, THE NINJA!' I thought to myself and smiled.

I proceeded to karate chop the air, roundhouse kick, roll on the floor, and tumble all throughout the living room until I reached the door. I got to my feet, a little unsteadily due to dizziness. I was out of breath.

'Ugh, Iris, can you walk two steps without gasping for air?' I thought. I had no stamina. Nada, zip, zero.

I was still recovering from my awesome and deadly ninja skills when I heard someone laugh behind me. I turned slowly, only to find my brother, Kevin, laughing at the kitchen table. I felt my cheeks grow hot, and my temper flared just a bit.

"Whenever you're done, we can go", he said with a smirk on his face.

"You're just jealous, 'cause you couldn't do that if you tried," I fired back," admit it, I am the superior ninja."

It was times like these, having pointless arguments with my brother, and being embarrassed, that I wish I was back in Taiwan, it's serenity bringing peace to all my puny issues. I opened the door with one eye closed, one foot outstretched. When I had both feet on the ground, something felt wrong. The air grew thicker. The temperature rose in a matter of seconds. I could hear people conversations in a language that wasn't english. I opened my eyes, confused. I was on a bustling street, people crowding, and I could hear the waves of the Ocean nearby.

I was in Taiwan.

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