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Roshni broke the hug. "Vicky please... Just for once... I wanna go there. I promise I won't ever go back. But.. only for once....just once... Let me go.. please.."

Vicky was too weak before her tears. He couldn't take it more. For the first time in this Vampire life, he felt helplessness, that too for an unknown girl with a known face.

"Ok.. but.. you will go now...that too accompanied by me. ", He declared finally.
She wiped her tears and smiled with a nod.


Roshni and Vicky stood before the old building. The pain going through him was too much. Again in the same place, with a girl with similar face. That place reminded him of those dreadful memories.

Roshni examined the surroundings . The building was old, but had a great handworks. It looked as if it belonged to some rich family. She looked around and found an elderly man coming through their way.
"Excuse me uncle.."

Her voice brought back Vicky from thoughts. The man at early fifties stopped hearing her.

R: "Good morning Uncle. Actually we are students from MMC college. We were doing some research in old buildings and all. So.. we came here to know about this place. Can you please help us..."

Roshni lied, but she was helpless. Why would anyone give the full details of an ancestral property for some strangers.

"This building... Its an unfortunate place. This building used to be the warehouse of a very rich family. The whole forest was there estate. Thirty years ago, a brutal fire engulfed this place, and the daughter in law of the family was trapped in this warehouse leading to her death."

Vicky closed his eyes, gripping the pain. Why was this happening. Everything seems so blank. It seems like nothing such has ever happened. It seems like she is there...with him.. always.

Roshni stood with surprise and pain. So what all things she saw in dream was not only a dream. But it was a brutal tragedy.
"Uncle...what about the family...her husband..?"

"Don't know . Some says the family left the place in grief of her demise. Some says, his husband was also jumped into the fire to save her, but ended up in losing himself. But.."

R - "But what...?"

"I don't think he died along with her. You see there... At the right most corner of the compound, a tomb is situated in her name. Who will build it if her husband is no more..."

The man walked past leaving them alone. Vicky saw the entire incidents again infront of his eyes. He still didn't know how he escaped from that  lose...that sorrow.

Roshni stepped forward but was stopped by Vicky's grip on her wrist.
"Stop it Roshni. Let's go back.."

"One minute Vicky. Let me.. let me visit the tomb. I don't know why I feel so connected to this place, to this incidents. You know what.. when that uncle was saying this story, I could see it infront of my eyes. Like.. I was the one.. I was the one who is affected. Please Vicky.. just one minute.."

He left her hand. She moved forward to the tomb, silently followed by him.
Roshni stood in front.
"In loving memory of" , she read. The name was covered with dust. Before removing it, her eyes stuck on the death date. She was surprised or astonished.
"Vicky.. look this death date. It's..  it's my birth date. "

"What..!" , Vicky asked with a shock.

"Yes Vicky. It's my birthdate. I mean, right five years after her death I was born. Don't you think it's...it's strange.."

It's really strange for him. But he can't show that to her. He looked at the opposite side not facing her.
Roshni neared the tomb to remove the dirt.

"Roshni come. It's enough.."

She didn't cared. She brushed off the dust that covered the name. Letter by letter, each one was clearing.

"Gayatri.." , she read.

Vicky turned towards her, and she looked at him. Her face shown fear, while his , don't know . He was all gone blank. Vicky grabbed her hand and pulled up.
"It's enough!! Come with me back right now."
He almost shouted and dragged her along. How he could do such a big mistake. Taking her at this place. If she starts to go behind this , she will surely find his true identity.

Walking along with him, she gave a final glance to the warehouse. Something was not right.
The name, her nightmares, the death date.. and even Vicky's sudden strange behavior... Everything seems so connected.
'I know something is bothering you Vicky. That day too, hearing Gayatri's name you were worried. And today too... Your face shows a different feeling, a pain for her. But why... And this place.. it's seems too familiar. Even that story too. How these are connected with me... What role does Vicky play in this... I should find out at any cost.'
She was determined. 

Guysss... Published a new story "Silver Screen". Go through that if time allows.
Thank you.
With love,

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