Chapter 21:

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Finally, after a long long time, I uploaded chapter 21! About time...Right!!??! LOL I know, but a lot of things have been going on. Moved to a new city, started homeschooling my kids for the first time, and that has been challenging, but it is getting easier. I also had to rewrite this chapter a couple of times, because I was not happy with how it was going, so I hope you enjoy this chapter. Its not my best, but at least I got it loaded finally!! Please vote and comment!! Thank you all for your patience and sticking by me and not giving up on me! You all are awesome!! :-)

Chapter 21:

I was just finishing up, telling Ava about how we got rid of Viktor, when Antony stepped out of the bathroom. He walked over and sat next to me on the bed and pulled me closer to him. There was a knock at the door, and Ava nearly jumped out of her skin. She laughed nervously, and got up to answer the door. I guess she was really into what I was telling her that she kinda zoned out.

Ava pulled the door open and saw Tomas leaning against the door frame. She ushered him in, and hurried back to her spot on the bed, so I could finish telling the story. Tomas sat next to Ava and wrapped his arms around her. Ava sighed at his touch and leaned into him.

"So, there you have it. He's gone for good, and we all can relax now." I concluded with a satisfactory smile on my face. I could tell Tomas was confused and wanted to ask what we were talking about, but before I could say anything, Ava turned to him and grabbed his face and planted a kiss on his lips.

She pulled away and started to jump around my room, shouting at the top of her lungs, "YESSSSS!!! HE'S DEAD! HE'S DEAD!!!"

"Who's dead?" Tomas finally asked, bewildered by Ava's sudden outburst.

"Viktor's dead." Antony said flatly, with a small smile on his face.

"REALLY? When? How?" Tomas asked, getting excited at the news.

"We will fill you in later. Right now we have a pack meeting to attend to. I already informed the rest of the pack, and we all are to meet at Martin's cabin." Antony stated firmly as he stood up, bringing me up with him.

"I still have to take a shower!" I screeched. My hair was a mess and my make-up...I could only imagine what my face looked like with make-up smeared all over it from sleeping.

"Well, hurry up. We have to be there in an hour." he said and swatted my butt as I headed towards the bathroom. I let out a little yelp of surprise and could feel my face turn red. Antony chuckled, and I ran into the bathroom.

I was in and out of the shower within twenty minutes, and dressed and ready to go in another ten minutes. Ava was still buzzing with Cynthia's dorm to pick her and Trevor up before heading to Martin's cabin.

As we approached Cynthia's dorm, we heard a very heated conversation going on with her and another female. I didn't recognize her voice, but a cold chill ran down my spine. I suddenly got an uneasy feeling in my stomach, like something was not right. I slowed my steps, and Antony noticed right away.

"What's wrong?" he whispered.

"Something isn't right. I am getting a real bad vibe from the woman that is in Cynthia's room." I whispered back. We got to Cynthia's door and we heard Cynthia shouting so loud that regular humans can hear her down the hall.

"I AM NOT GOING, MOM, AND THAT'S FINAL!" Cynthia shouted.

"WELL, I AM YOUR MOTHER, AND WHAT I SAY GOES!!" the woman shouted back.

I opened the door and we all entered. I didn't bother knocking, because of all the shouting, I doubt Cynthia would have heard me anyways. Cynthia's mom was the first to notice us standing there in the middle of the room. She straightened herself, and cleared her throat. She put on a broad smile, and greeted us.

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