Chapter 6:

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Chapter 6:

Antony's P.O.V

After eating their dinner and watching Agnes' favorite show, Agnes decided that she needed to get her homework done. "Do you need help with your homework?" I asked her, sensing that she didn't want me to leave quite yet, and neither did I, for that matter.

"Could you? I'd get it done a lot quicker....and maybe after my homework we a movie?" she asked shyly.

"I don't knowwwwww...." I said, stroking my chin as if to think about her request. "A movie sounds..." I trailed off, taking in her hopeful and pleading expression. I started to laugh, "Of course we could watch a movie!"

"Oh, good!! I got the PERFECT chick flick of all time to watch with you!" She exclaimed.

I made a face and shook my head 'no'. That only made her laugh.

"HA! Got ya!" She laughed and pointed at me. I just rolled my eyes and chuckled. Agnes went and grabbed the books she needed for the chapters she had to read along with her notebook, just in case she needed it, then sat back down next to me.

She quickly read her chapters and took some notes. After that was done, she grabbed the worksheets she had to complete.

"Ugh...I hate doing these!" she said with disgust.

"They don't look that hard." I said, examining the biology worksheet.

"Well, they are to me. Are you any good at biology?" she asked.

"So-so I guess." I said, still looking the page over.

After an hour of working on her "hard-to-do" worksheets, Agnes put everything back into her backpack and told me to go choose a movie. I got up and sauntered over to her movie bin and scanned all her movies. She had tons of dvd's to choose from. I picked two movies and held them up to show her.

"Which would you like to watch first?" I asked. She looked up and squinted.

"Hmmm...that's a toughie! I love them both! Uh...Lets watch....Walking Tall."

"Ok, great!" I said, setting the other movie (The Run Down), back in the bin. She must really like movies with "The Rock" Dwayne Johnson in them. I must say he is a better actor than a wrestler...but that's just my opinion.

I popped the movie in and went to sit next to her on the bed. We watched in silence, and just as I was going to make a comment about the movie, I looked over at Agnes and found that she was fast asleep with her head leaning up against my shoulder. Yesterday and today must've wiped her completely out. So, I just turned and watched the rest of the movie. I could feel my eyelids get heavy, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep as well.

Agnes' P.O.V

The next morning, I woke up at 5:30 am, just as my alarm went off. Ugh...I forgot to reset it to 6 o'clock. So I leaned over and shut it off. As I rolled back over to get comfy again, there was another body in my bed. I bolted right up and pulled the blanket down so that I could see who it was. (I know I could've just sniffed him out and find that it was just Antony). ANTONY!!! He slept over? My heart started to race! I checked myself to see if any clothing was missing....nope still dressed in yesterdays clothes. 'Phew'.

Then my memory came back to me. We were watching 'Walking Tall' and I fell asleep. Antony must've been real tired too. After all...we did have kind of a busy day yesterday, working on the charms and candles. I tenderly got out of bed, trying not to wake him up and tiptoed to my bathroom. I undressed and jumped into the shower. Once the hot water poured onto my head was when I realized...I forgot to grab some clean clothes! 'Just great,' I thought to myself. Oh well. I'll just shower real quick, and hope he's still asleep when I get out, so I can quickly get my clothes without him catching a peek.

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