Short for Soulmate, or Something

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McKenna's p.o.v.

I walk into the school and check into the office so they know that I'm here and I rush to Finstock's. I end up walking in right as the last late bell rings and I let out a sigh of relief. 

I walk to the back corner where my little work desk is with papers that I need to grade sitting on it. It just so happens I sit in the corner where Scott, Stiles, and Jackson are closest to. 

I sit down and start to listen to their conversation. 

"Hey, testicle left and right. What the hell is a kanima?" I hear Jackson say, the first part making Stiles and Scott tense. I can only imagine the sour looks on their faces. 

Until the second part came and they whipped around to look at him in surprise. I don't look up from my grading, trying to make it seem like I can't hear them. 

But before they can get a word out Finstock slams a book on his desk, getting everyone's attention. 

"All right, listen up. Quick warning before we begin our review. Some of you, like McCall, might want to start their own study groups, because tomorrow's midterm is so profoundly difficult....I don't even think McKenna back there could pass it, and she goes to MIT." Coach says making the whole class turn around and look at me. 

"I doubt it." Is all I say, my face warming slightly at the sudden attention. 

"Okay, I need a volunteer at the board to answer the first question. who's got it huh?" He says motioning to the black board behind him. 

My focus is brought back to the boys conversation when I hear Jackson talking about what happened this morning. 

"Paralyzed from the neck down. Do you have any idea what the feels like?" He asks them. 

"I'm familiar with the sensation." Stiles says with a nod. 

"Wait...why would Derek test you? Why would he think that its you?" Scott asks confused. I feel kinda bad for him. 

"How should I know?" Jackson says angrily. 

"Wait, do they think its Lydia?" Stiles worriedly. 

"I don't know. All I heard was her name and something about chemistry." He says as coach walks up. 

"Jackson!" He yells making the three boys jump. 

"Do you have something you want to share with the rest of the class?" He asks. 

"Um...just and undying admiration for my-my coach." He stutters out. 

"That's really kind of you." He answers and Jackson just nods his head with a small smirk on his face. 

"Now shut up! Shut it! Anybody else?" Coach yells at him and looks around the room as he walks away. 

Scott grabs Stiles and pulls him closer and they start whispering to each other. I can only make out a couple of words. Something about fifty percent evil and a bad argument. 

They're planning on testing Lydia in Chemistry I already know that but what I need to figure out is who's side I'm gonna be on if it is her. 

Derek wants to kill her and he makes logical argument. But Scott would want to save her. The problem with that is we don't even know if that's possible. I haven't heard of anything that could change a kanima into the thing it was originally meant to be...a werewolf. 

I quickly finish all of the papers that coach gave to me grade. The bell rings and I walk up to his desk. 

"Hey, I finished everything and I talked to Mr. Harris earlier he said he needed my help this next period conducting an experiment with the class. Do you mind if I head over there?" I ask coming up with a quick lie. I heard Harris talking about the experiment in the office this morning. 

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