The Winchesters Have Arrived pt.2

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Derek's p.o.v.
Oh crap.
The Winchesters are here? That's nothing but bad news. How did they even hear about a small town like Beacon Hills? I can't believe I ran into one with my shopping cart! I was so focused on thinking about the kanima that I didn't hear her coming.

To think I had no idea she was Winchester until she introduced herself. She's maybe a year or two younger than me but definitely out of high school.
But wow was she beautiful. Her long blonde hair that fell down in waves to the end of her back, and her ocean blue eyes that seemed to look straight into your soul. She had a splash of freckles across her nose no doubt from being in the sun too long.

But the problem is, is that if she's here, then her brothers are too. Sam and Dean Winchester. Known for their shoot first ask questions later hunting strategy. Sam being the more merciful of the two.
I've heard countless stories of their hunting. However, the only thing I've heard about McKenna is that she is very smart and intuitive. She actually looks for solutions to problems instead of just killing everything. But I also know she can kick just as much ass as her older brothers just by seeing her tonight.

She has a very muscular build and an almost but not quite hourglass figure. I know she must be trained by her brothers I would not want to on the receiving end of her anger. She would make an amazingly strong werewolf.

I have to warn my pack about this. They don't even know the danger they're in now. This is a big game changer.

I put the keys in the ignition starting the car. I drive back to the old train station and by the time I get back its already one A.M. I know everyone is already fast asleep so I won't worry about telling them tonight.

The real question is should I tell Scott that the Winchesters have arrived?

He isn't my responsibility but with hunters like the Winchesters in town how could I not warn him. I know the kid and his friends get in my way more often then not, but Scott doesn't deserve to die. Especially not at the hands of a Winchester. They don't go by a mercy code like the Argents do. They just kill without thought of who they're killing and Scott doesn't deserve that.

I'll tell my pack in the morning. They will not go anywhere by themselves and they need to be extra aware of what's going on around them from here on out. After I tell them I'll go to Scott at lacrosse practice. Thank god it's Monday, otherwise it would be hell trying to get find the kid at a good enough time to explain everything about these hunters to him.

This is going to be one of the first times I'm going to be one hundred percent clear and honest with Scott since I met him. He needs to know what these people are capable of.

Lord knows Stiles is going to be with him with his usual level of sarcasm that does nothing but waste time. He's going to ask a million and one questions even after I explain everything and I'll have to threaten him to get him to shut up.

I push it out of my mind as I put the groceries away trying to be quiet. I don't have the energy to talk to any of the three moody teenagers right now.

I get undressed and crawl into bed. McKenna makes her way into my mind once again. There's just something about her that is amazing. Whether it's her strong, intelligent, eyes or her charismatic, beautiful smile. I just feel like I have a connection to her. Even though I know she's killed plenty of werewolves like me before, I just know it in my bones that I can trust her.

I drifted to sleep with a certain blonde Winchester on my mind.

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