The Winchesters Have Arrived pt.1

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I posted the last chapter by itself to get the book started but I will probably post two to three chapters every update. And I don't post authors notes individually unless it's really important you read it.

McKenna's p.o.v.
The next few hours were long. I had fallen asleep in the back seat about forty-five minutes after we left the diner.
I was shaken awake by Sam just in time to see the Welcome to Beacon Hills sign. I can't believe that they expect me to sit by and watch them do this hunt. Especially when I know they're going to get their asses handed to them.
I've always had a knack for intuition. I don't know where I got it from but I just get these feelings like it's not going to go our way.

Let's just say that this feeling is a strong one. The only downside is that my two idiot brothers never listen to me. Even though I've proven my feelings right time and time again.
We pull up to a motel at about eleven-thirty and Dean goes to the front to get a room.

"So what am I supposed to do while you guys are out there hunting? Just sit on my hands in the motel and wait?" I ask Sam in annoyance.

"If you have to, yes. We're going to the Argents house first thing in the morning. We'll try to find something useful for you to do then." He answers not wanting to get into this conversation again.

"Fine." I said with a glare.
Dean comes back a few minutes later with a key and we go into our room.
We have a rotation system when it comes to beds. Every time we get to a new motel we rotate counter-clockwise. A system I came up with to stop anymore arguments, after I wanted to stab myself in the eye due to Sam and Dean yelling at each other about who got the couch. But this time it was my turn for the couch and I wasn't having it.

"Alright look." I say as we walk into the room.
"If I'm going to be forced sit here and do nothing I will not be doing it on the couch. One of you will give up a bed or I will not rest until I finish this hunt myself." Dead serious. They both looked me in the eyes and saw the pure anger and determination that swirled in my blue orbs. They knew they weren't going to win this one.

"Alright, fine you can have my bed." Dean says giving in walking over to the couch.
I smirk and walk over to the bed and put my bag on the side closest to the wall.
I check my phone to see if there are any places to go to buy some beer.
I find a grocery store not too far away.

"I'm going to the store." I say getting up not wanting a response.

"You do realize you're not driving my car right?" Dean says with a laugh.

"Really, Dean? You're going to make me walk three miles at almost midnight, while there's homicidal werewolves and human lizards that paralyze and kill people running around freely?" I ask my eyebrow raised and my voice filled with attitude.
He looked at me shocked.

"How did you know about.." he starts but I cut him off.

"I hacked into you're phone and recorded all your calls. I know why we're actually here. Bobby explained it pretty well so I did some digging and found pages and pages of lore on the kanima." I say smugly looking at him.
He looks at for about a minute in what seems to be thought.

"Fine, but I swear to god if you come back and my car looks different in anyway, you will never touch her again." He says throwing the keys at me.
I smile and walk out the door.
I climb into the drivers seat and pull the seat forward cause I'm a good five inches shorter than Dean. I turn on the car and pull away from the motel.

I reach the grocery store without any problems, probably cause no one is awake at this time of night.
I pull up with about thirty minutes to spare before it closes.

There's a black Chevy Camaro parked two spaces away.

"Nice" I say loving the it. Camaros are my favorite cars but don't tell Dean that.
I walk into the store and go straight for the beer. I double check to make sure I have my fake ID in my wallet and grab two six packs and a bottle of Jack. I push my cart to the end of the isle but before I can turn the corner another cart runs into mine. The sudden stop causes me to run into the handle bar of my cart and then fall to the ground.

"Son of bitch." I mutter looking up. Standing there is a tall guy. He couldn't be any older than twenty-two. He has dark hair, green eyes, and very attractive features. And damn was he muscular.
"I'm so sorry!" He says walking around the carts to help me up.
"Oh it's okay, I wasn't paying attention." I say.
"Trust me if anyone wasn't paying attention it was me, my mind was definitely somewhere else." He says with a smile.
"Um, okay it's no problem, it just surprised me more than anything." I answer walking back to my cart.
"Not to pry or anything but, are you new in town I haven't seen you before?" He asks. I'm surprised that he asked he doesn't really seem like the sociable type to me.
"Yeah my brothers and I are just passing through, we'll be here for a couple weeks then onto the next place." I say getting a little sad as I realized my life will be like this forever.
"Oh, well I'm Derek Hale, welcome to Beacon Hills." He says with a small smirk while holding out his hand.
"McKenna Winchester." I say shaking his hand firmly. I'm not about that prissy shit where you just like set your hand in theirs.

I thought I saw some emotion flash in his eyes. Almost like shock but it was gone before I could really tell.
He grabs his shopping list and pen, writes something down, and rips it off.
"If you need anything while you're hear, give me a call." He says handing me the paper. I take the paper, fold it, and put it my pocket.

"Yeah, I'll make sure to do that." I say with a smile and walk away. I finish my shopping grabbing snacks for me to eat while I sit around and do nothing.
I couldn't help but continue to think about the interaction I just had.
I probably shouldn't have told him my real name but hey, if Dean can give his name out to who ever he likes, why can't I?
I walk up to the cashier and pay for my things. Hell he didn't even card me. But that was probably because he was attempting to flirt with me the whole time. I shot him down every chance I got.
I put everything in the passenger seat and got in. I immediately put Derek Hale's phone number in my phone smiling. There was just something about him that made me feel like I would be seeing him again. And that I could trust him.
My feelings have never steered me wrong before so why start questioning them now.

When I get back to the motel I put everything away and start to walk towards the beds when the floor creaked under my foot. Dean shot up from the couch gun pointed at me.
"Holy hell Mac, you scared this crap outta me." He says rubbing his eyes.
"Sorry I just got back." I said and he nods.
I change and climb into bed and fall asleep thinking about what life could throw at me that includes Derek Hale.

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