An Apple Pie Life

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McKenna's p.o.v. 

I reach the motel and I sigh. I'm already over this conversation and it hasn't even started yet. Nonetheless it's going to have to happen eventually so I might as well get it over with. 

I walk up to our door and take out my room key. I unlock the door and step into the room. Sam and Dean's heads snap towards me, assessing if there was any danger.

"It's just me guys." I say with a sigh. 

I walk over to the fridge and grab a beer. Lord knows I'm gonna need it. 

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I ask pulling a chair from the kitchen table closer to the part of the room they were in.

"Look, Mac, I really don't want you to do this. But if you really feel the need to go into that high school and protect these kids then I can't stop you." He says in a defeated manner. 

"I sense a but coming." I say back. 

"But, we need you to promise us something." Sam cuts in. 

"Okay, what?" I ask.

"We need you to promise that if one of those kids goes berserk that you will take them out without a shred of hesitation." Dean answers and I laugh menacingly.

"You really think that I'm going to make a promise to kill a teenager that has shifted in front of me? Just immediately shoot them as soon as it starts? You've got to be pulling my leg." I say with a bewildered smile on my face. 

"Yes, Mac, that's exactly what we want you to do." Sam says hesitantly as I take a big gulp of my beer, knowing I won't like his answer.

"No." I say simply with a shrug.

"What?" Dean asks already getting angry.

"No, I won't do it. I will not shoot an innocent teenager unless absolutely necessary." I say standing up. 

"Then you're not doing it." Dean says quickly. "I will not let my little sister run around with a bunch of...of monsters just waiting for one of them to try to bite her head off!" He exclaims also now standing. 

"What? What is it with you and protecting me huh? You have seen me get out of countless bad situations and hell I have saved you from countless bad situations! So what? What is so different all of a sudden to make my safety be your number one priority?" I yell back. 

"Because this is dangerous! This is nothing like we've ever seen before! This kanima thing is stronger and faster than anything we've faced! And I've always had your safety as a top priority!" He yells stepping closer to me. 

"Dean nothing we have ever been up against has been walk in the park! I don't know if you've noticed but my whole life has dedicated to this! I didn't walk out of an apple pie life when I was ten years old like you! Mom died the day they brought me back from the hospital! (We're pretending that's when it happened Azazel still chose Sam) This is it for me Dean, this is my life I can't let you hold me back anymore!" I yell not thinking about the fact that bringing up Mom is a bad thing.

"How dare you bring up Mom?! Why can't you just do what you're told?!" He yells louder. I can see the fury in his eyes.

"Sorry I'm not a good little soldier like you Dean! I never have been and I never will be!" I scream back knowing that its going to hit a nerve. 

Things seem to move in slow motion after that. Dean pulls back his arm as I look at Sam. I can see a look of realization come across Sam's face as he jumps forward but it's too late. 

The back of Dean's hand collides with my face and the force throws me to the ground. I sit there for a second letting what just happened soak in.

Time goes back to normal and I look up to see Sam pinning Dean against the wall. I get up and grab by bag and run into the bathroom. 

I set it on the counter and look at myself in the mirror. I'm still covered in sweat from earlier and I have blood running down the right side of my lip. 

Holy shit. Dean just hit me. 

I undress and get in the shower. I  can hear Sam yelling at Dean but I can't make out what he's saying over the rushing water. I sit down and wrap my arms around my legs. The next thing I know I find myself crying. I hate crying. But this time I just let the tears flow, my cries soon turning into sobs. 

Sam's p.o.v. 

"What the hell Dean!" I yell. No matter how mad he got I never thought he would ever hit her. 

"There is nothing that you can say to justify what you just did!" I yell at him.

"I know dammit!" He yells back at me.

"Oh shit, what have I done?" He asks sitting on the bed putting his head in his hands much like Mac does when she's frustrated.

"I can tell you right now Dean, I clean up a lot of the messes you cause when it comes to McKenna. But I can't do anything about this. You'd better think of some way to fix this before we lose her just like you and Dad lost me." I tell him and we're both silent. 

"Do you hear that?" Dean asks. I listen carefully to hear what he's talking about. 

"She's crying." I speak my realization out loud. 

"Dean this is worse than I thought." I tell him worry filling me. 

"What, why? How? How could it be any worse Sam? I hit my sister!" He exclaims.

"Because, Dean she doesn't cry. No matter how intense your guys' arguments get she has never cried. Dean she doesn't even cry when she gets hurt." I explain to him and his eyes widen. 

"Oh god what've I done?"

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