Chapter 4 - Sleepover

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Chapter 4

          I hesitantly, lifted my fist and knocked on the door. What was I supposed to say when I saw him? I’m sorry I didn’t notice you were gone?  I was just too busy hanging out with my ex-boyfriend who you happen to hate? Not to mention the fact that he was at my house.

          I shook my head grumbling slightly, Adrian is one of my best friends, who understand clearly what I’m going through. Besides he knows I’m not that stupid to go back with Ethan after all he’s done. Even though a small part of me wanted too; but that small part of me was talking nonsense and I wished would shut up before I go completely insane.

          I held my breath once the door opened revealing a familiar young child, with pig tails on each side of her face and a wide grin. “Lynnie-bear you’re here!” Aimiee squealed, stealing Adrian’s nickname  he had for me. I smiled warmly at her, bending down to her level and wrapping my arms tightly around her.

          She was like the little sister I never had, I loved her to death. “Yes Aimiee I’m here,” I gasped once she hugged me tighter, for a little girl she sure did pack quite the strength.  “I missed you.”

          “I missed you more! How was your summer? I miss you always staying at our house,” She pouted making me grin at her. “Are you staying over anytime soon?” It’s funny to remember how many times I used to sleep over at Adrian’s house before I started to date Ethan, I always had extra set of clothes at his house, sometimes even in my car because I felt like this was more my home than my own.

          If that makes any sense.

          “Awwh it was fine thank you, and I know I miss staying over too, but guess what?” I say grinning.

          “What?” Her eyes slightly dilated from opening them so wide making me chuckle.

          “I might just stay over today too,” I tapped her nose as she let out another squeal in excitement.

          “Who’s at the,” A very messy haired familiar guy came into view, and stopped short with his sentence when his eyes locked with mine. “Annalynn!”

          I smiled widely standing straight, messing up Aimiee’s pigtails in the process. “Hey.”

          “What’re you doing outside? Come in.” He urged putting an arm around my waist, and pulling me inside the door. Everything was just as how I remembered it last, my favorite brown chaser on the side, the big flat screen Tv I so envied and wanted to take with me and the big chandelier in the middle of the living room. The house was two stories, so yes it was pretty big.

          I always used to say that he was rich, because let me tell you this house compared to mine looked like it was worth a million and more.

          “Anniebear might stay over!” Aimiee cut in now standing in front of us, showing her dimples.

          “Oh she might?” Adrian questioned looking towards me, his face closer to mine that I would have imagined, but I remained cool trying not to shy away. Though I must say, standing where I am right now, it was growing difficult to hold eye contact. “Well let’s make sure she does.” He finished smiling cheekily at me.

          “Yay! Wait,” She froze, “Bee Arr Bee!” Aimiee exclaimed running towards the direction of her room. It was downstairs, and I guess I understood why, Aimiee was clumsy all time and she fell down the stairs multiple times when she was a year younger, she even got a concussion, nothing too major but still it could have been.

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