Chapter 8 - Not in the mood for a party

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          I glanced in front of the mirror and smiled a little. My stomach still had butterflies thinking about if I would run into Ethan or Adrian for that matter at this party. The whole point was to just forget about them to and relax and possibly drink the night away. Even though I wasn’t even a drinker, I was even considering wallowing in my own pity and drinking like theirs no tomorrow.

          It’s what people do now a days right? Party like there’s no tomorrow? Fake happiness and get drunk off their asses and puke in random places?

          I grimaced at the thought of a hangover in the morning. Though I never had one, I knew it probably hurt like hell since Krystal always made me shut up because her head hurt, and even a whisper was too loud for her. Not even two aspirins could cover the pain for her.

          I ran my hands down, brushing any invisible wrinkles from my dress and tried to look more confident. You Annalynn, are going to have fun and not give a damn care in the world, you got that? I repeated the words in my head until Krystal came out of the bathroom twirling, giving me a view of her blue dress. While mine was a red cocktail one.

           “We look fabulous.” She chimed entwining her arms with mine. “We are going to break some hearts tonight, who’s with me!?”

          When I didn’t answer she stared at me with her mouth hanging open. “I said, who’s with me?!” she repeated again, staring at me making me force a smile and jump up and down.

           “I am! I am!”

          She rolled her eyes, making her way down the stairs and grabbing her purse, making sure no money was inside or any important things, just in case she forgot it at the party. Her phone was safely secured in her bra, making me shoot her an incredulous look.

          She mumbled a ‘what’ making me turn away from her and look through my own purse that I had borrowed from her that looked good with the dress. It matched perfectly my low silver heels, since I didn’t want to look like a giraffe and my silver heart necklace that reminded me of Ethan.

          I felt the urge to take it off, but it was too pretty and I knew I had to move on sometime.

           “Are you ready?” Krystal asked one final time, and I nodded reluctantly. Truth is, I wasn’t ready, I wanted to pretend I was sick and go home and possibly lay on my bed. It might be what I needed, because at that moment I wanted to lie to my best friend and tell her I didn’t feel so good.

          But before I could do just that, she was already dragging me to my car, already grabbing my keys and suddenly becoming the owner of it. Well then, I thought to myself slumping back against my seat, watching the trees go by as she drove to Michael’s place.

           “Stop thinking, okay? This party you will stop being eh or insecure or anything, alright?” I nodded not bothering to speak and shifted my gaze from her when she spoke back to the most amazing trees.

          The most frightening thing that could ever happen to me was probably than in a few days school would be starting again. Meaning more drama to come. Last year was hell, and I hoped that this one would make up for that. Now that Ethan wasn’t there, meant no more me worrying about horny girls jumping all over him. Then again he isn’t mine for me to worry over, so why did I care?

          Then my heart clenched at the thought of Adrian.

          I was stupid, completely utterly stupid to think I would even lose my best friend. Sure we hadn’t known each other forever but it felt like I had. Honestly, it’s not like we hadn’t kissed before, heck I even kissed him when I first met him, but the only thing that was worse is that he kissed me now but said it meant nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2013 ⏰

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