Chapter 10

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Dropping her a few blocks over was simple. An easy step in the process. He could not allow himself to feel any type of way towards her, he supposed. There was just something about the girl. Innocent, sweet, and soon to be protected by him. Joe was lost in his thoughts for a few moments, fear taking a hold on him. With her father exposing himself to her, and he guessed spending more time with her, it would not be long before all of his enemies knew that he had a daughter. She was to easily accessible. He needed to get his shit together if he was going to do the job that the boss was asking of him.

In order for him to do that, he needed to be prepared. Being prepared meant guarding her home, following her everywhere, and being armed. This brought a few problems to the table. He was not going to be able to do this for long without her knowing what he was doing. Unless he was dating her, or pretending to. He was not sure how the hell he was going to be able to pull this off, but the thought crossed him mind that this idea would be the only way he would be able to be around her all the time, every where she went. Even then, would she not find it strange the way he would act? How much he would be around her? Then there was another issue. He knew how to fire a gun, knew the types of guns and bullets, and had great aim. He lacked funds though. The boss threw some cash his way, yea, but it was not enough to buy a gun. Not enough to wave all the paper work and fees or enough to purchase it on the streets. The boss had to have plenty. Or his hitman had to have tons. The only way he was going to solve any of his current problems was to request a meeting with the boss. 

As Joe got his head together, he sent a text to the boss, and pulled away from Antonia's home. When he did, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Joe was always keen on being super aware of his surroundings. He would see a lot and hear a lot that other people didnt pay attention to. He was so used to this, that he often didnt give it a second thought. How valuble it would turn out to be in this profession. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sebastian in Antonia's side yard looking into her home. His first thought was-okay, Sebastian is keeping an eye on her. His second thought however was a little most twisted. If her father wanted Sebastian to watch over his daughter, he would have asked him. He didnt. Then he started getting angry, the thought crossing his mind to get out of the car, head over there, and ask him what the fuck he was doing there. Buuuuuuuut- That might just give the mother fucker an excuse to shoot him, so he opted against it. He did decide however, to keep this little bit of info in his pocket for a later date. 

Getting the ping back with a text from the boss, he headed towards the estate. The boss had agreed to meet with him. Instead of fear, or nerves, Joe felt relieved that the man would see him. The drive would take him a few minutes, and he used this time to clear his mind, and reign in any anger he was feeling in case the boss read that off of his grid, or if he ran into Sebastian while he was there. Pulling up to the home, he was given entrance to the gated area before even ringing the buzzer. He pulled around the circle-ish driveway, embarrassed that he had to drive this piece of shit. He could ask for an advance, but how strange would it be to Antonia if he was living in shit, and driving a new car. In time he told himself, all in due time. 

He entered through the double doors thinking that maybe he did not belong, but forcing himself to accept that he was just as good as anyone else that worked here. If they could walk around like this, than so could he. 

"He's in the library area, right around here, first right."  A young man met him when he walked in and instructed him where to go. In time Joe would have to learn his way around the huge estate.

When Joe entered the room, the boss was sitting in an arm chair reading some papers. He addressed him without looking up.


Joe sat, looking around him at the vast amount of books, wishing he could spare some leisure time to sit and read.

"Whats up?"

"I wanted to give you a real quick update on the situation, ask you a few questions. I thought it real important, I wouldnt waste your time otherwise."

The boss put down his papers, and removed his reading glasses.

"Paperwork, paperwork. I hate it. You any good with numbers? I could use a second set of eyes."

"Sure." Boss handed over the papers, asking Joe if he could find any discrepancies. Joe looked over the  paper, seeing that the numbers were not adding up, even though it was well documented around that, as to hide it. Joe could tell that something was wrong somewhere. He was just good like that. He enjoyed math, and found this task a challenge. Like figuring out a crossword, Joe moved numbers around in the columns. This there, that over there. The numbers floated around the paper for him, and he was pulling and pushing. He got up to grab a calculator that he noticed on the table, a pen, and some paper. Went over it again to make sure, moved the categories, and made it clear as day where the discrepancy was handing it back to the boss. 

"Wow, you found what I couldnt, what my accountant didnt, and what the other guys couldnt find. You are a bigger asset than your friend led on... I want to express something to you, and I want you to listen carefully. There will be many people around you while you work for me. Most cant be trusted. Loyalty is hard to come by. Always watch your back. The more I see in you, and the more I utilize you, the more others in this family will come after you. Do you understand what I am saying?"

Joe did, for sure. He was just wondering if there was someone specific that the boss was referring to, and he thought that he might just know.

"I met your daughter tonight."

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