Lost & Not Yet Found

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Back at the campsite...

Leo' POV

Leo:Hey, Adam, have you seen Chase?

Adam:No, why?

Leo:I can't find him, I tried looking for Bree, but she's not here as well...

Adam:You don't think they're...?

Leo:I'm guessing, yeah...

Adam: OH NO!!! Aliens took them away!!!

Leo:What?! No, Adam, they're lost!!!

Adam:Oh no, we gotta tell Mr Henry!

Leo:Well, what're we waiting for?! Come on!

I went to search for Mr Henry with Adam, I can't believe it! Bree and Chase are lost! In the woods! We gotta find them!

Leo:Mr Henry! Bree & Chase are gone!

Mr Henry:What?! Have you checked their tents?!

Leo:Yes! But they're not there!

Adam:Wait, let me try calling them...

Adam:Guys, I can't reach them..., they're not picking up...

Mr Henry:Maybe there's no signal! You know what, we are not leaving the woods until we find Bree and Chase! I'm afraid we have to extend the deadline of the camp...

Adam and I nodded and soon Mr Henry called everyone to gather here to announce what's gonna happen...

Mr Henry:Okay, students, we've lost 2 of our students! Bree & Chase! Now we're gonna find them, if the deadline has to be extended, so be it! Understood?! Now, grab everything worth surviving, and move it people! We'll be searching the woods! Stay with your partner at all times! Stay close with the class, and most importantly! Stay close to me! I'll be calling the school to inform your parents that the camping trip is extended...Go!

We went to grab everything to help survive, I even grabbed some food for Bree & Chase and some food for them in case they're starving and we found them...

With Bree & Chase

Bree's POV

It's been a day already, and we're still in the middle of the woods, lost...We've been trying to find the campsite ever since we were lost! But I'm not giving up!

Bree:Where are we going now?!

Chase:Calm down, let me trace our footsteps...but first, where did we end up getting lost?

Bree:Well, we were exploring the woods, but then we realized we were walking down the slope, I tripped on a rock and I fell and slide down the slope...then you came to help me...

Chase:I guess, we'll just have to find the slope...

Bree:We moved away from the slope, now we're in the middle of nowhere, how are we going to figure out which way to go?

Chase:We'll just have to move backwards then...

Bree:Why cant we just stay here and hope someone will come and find us?What if a mad killing ghost finds us and kills us?!

Chase:Bree, we're not going to run into a mad killing ghost...

Bree:How do you know that?!

Chase:Because, there's no such thing as ghosts...

Bree:You don't know that! There might even be an ugly, bloody doll that moves by itself!

Chase: Ok, Bree, listen closely... (He said as he put both his hands on my shoulder)There is no such thing as ghosts!

Bree:Fine, but I'm moving first! The one moving first always survive in movies...

Chase chuckled and trailed behind me as I walk back to where we were earlier or even yesterday...

With The Students...

Leo's POV

Leo:Bree! Chase!

I shouted hoping someone would answer...

Adam:This is hopeless! Where are we going to find them?!

Leo:Adam, relax, maybe they were here, look at that slope, it has footsteps...

Adam:You're right, let's follow the trail...

We went down the slope to find a trace that's kinda hard to figure out...

Adam:What is that?

Leo:I think they fell down the slope on their way down here...

Adam:You're right, Mr Henry!

Mr Henry came with the whole class and saw the trail Bree and Chase left us...

Mr Henry:It's a trail, follow it! Come on, guys!

We ran as we followed the trail hoping that we found Bree and Chase...

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