A Night To Remember? Maybe?

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We finally arrived at Bromwich Woods, I gently woke Bree up by shaking her a little bit, and finally she woke up...

Bree:Are we here yet?

Chase:Yeah, come on let's get off the bus...

Bree and I took our bags and got off the bus along with Adam and Leo...

Mr Henry:Now, students, we've arrived in Bromwich Woods and I need to make sure everyone's here, If your partner isn't with you, raise your hand, nobody, good, now let's move on, everybody grab a tent and I'll teach you how to set up the tent, now move it people!

Bree:Come on, let's grab our tent...

Chase:Which spot do we take?

Bree:Hmm, how about the one near the big tree?

Chase:Sure, let's go...

We took our tents then placed it on the spot next to the big tree...

Mr Henry:Okay, everybody got their tents, let's set it up...

As Mr Henry was teaching us how to set up tents,I looked around and found a beautiful flower called Spring Beauty, it was my mom's favorite flower, so I quickly and quietly picked the flower and gave it to Bree...


Bree:Aww, that's so beautiful, thank you...

Chase:Yeah, like you...

Bree blushed and turned to the teacher quickly, I find that adorable...

I smiled to myself...

After setting up our tents,We went to unpack our things...

Mr Henry:Okay, while you're unpacking, I want you listen up, we won't be studying any academics, but we will be continuing our survival's class, starting tomorrow, now we'll just be having fun! Explore all you want, get some sleep, whatever you want to do, but, stay close in our area, I don't want anyone lost in the woods, oh, and one more thing, stay with your partner!Now you can go!

Bree:So what do you wanna do?

Chase:I don't know, let's explore the woods...

Bree:Aren't you afraid we might get lost?

Chase:Hey, I'm an outdoor person, I'm sure we'll be safe and sound...

Bree: Ok, let's go on then...

Chase:Let's go!

We went around the woods in our area, looking for exciting things, as we were walking, I realized we were walking down a slope...

Chase:Careful, we're walking down a slope...

Bree nodded as she walked slowly but suddenly tripped on a rock and went sliding down the slope


I quickly chased after her until she stopped near a river...

Chase:Bree!Are you okay?!

Bree:Ow,I think I sprained my ankle...

Chase:I didn't bring any first aid kit with me, but don't worry, we can walk back to our tents and grabbed them...

I stood and turned around and realized, I didn't know which way to go...

Chase:Um, Bree, do you know which way to go?

Bree:What?! What do you mean 'which way to go?!

Chase:I think we're lost!

Bree:No, no, no,no, this can't be happening! What are we going to do?!

Chase: Don't worry, we can call Adam and Leo...I brought my phone with me...

I tried calling Adam and Leo but there was no signal!

Chase:I can't reach them! There's no signal!

Bree:What?! Let me use my phone, there is no signal!

Chase:Calm down! I'm sure Adam and Leo will figure out that we're lost...

Bree: Ok, ok, but what if they don't?!

Chase:Bree, it's gonna be fine! They're our best friends, I'm sure they can figure it out...

Bree:Fine, but what do we do now?

Chase:Well, let's just try to find our way back...

Bree:But I can't walk, my ankle is sprained!

Chase:Fine, I'll carry you...

I picked her up bridal style and tried to figure out our way back...

2 hours passed...

Bree:Chase, it's getting late, and 2 hours passed!

Chase:Well what do you want me to do? We're stuck in the middle of the woods, with no one to help!

Bree:Let's just camp out here,we'll make a camp fire...put me down, you go look for fire woods to make the fire...I'll find a way to make our bed...

Chase: Ok, but we gotta make a signal in case one of us is in trouble...

Bree:Well, how about we clap three times as loud as we can?

Chase:Really? That's all you got?

Bree:What? I've never gotten lost before...its my first time...

Chase:Fine, but stay in this area till I get back, got it?

Bree:Got it...

I nodded and left to look for some firewood, I grabbed around ten firwoods and made my way back to Bree...

When I came back, I saw that Bree had already made a bed full of leaves...

Chase:Wow, you're good...

Bree:Oh, you're back, thank you...

Chase:Help me set up the fire...

Bree:Okay, place the firewood here...

Chase:how do we make the fire?

Bree:Grab a stick, and hold it with one hand on each side and turn it fast...

Chase:I'm doing it, I'm doing it, yes! We got the fire!


Chase:What time is it anyway?

Bree:It's 8.30, it's getting dark now...

Chase:Well, why don't go you to sleep? I'll keep a lookout...

Bree: Ok, wake me up if you want to go to sleep...goodnight...

Chase:Will do,goodnight...

As Bree fell asleep, I searched for a stick and took a piece of rock and started sharpening the tip of the stick using the rock to protect me and Bree from harm...

After 3 hours, Bree woke up...


Chase:Hey, awake already?

Bree:Yeah, do you want me to keep a lookout while you sleep?

Chase:Are you sure?

Bree:I'm fully awake now anyway...

Chase:Okay, here, take the stick, It'll protect you...

Bree:Okay, now go to sleep...

Chase: Ok, see you in the morning...

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