The Deal

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Bree's POV

It was already lunch time, as I grab my tray, I tried to find an empty seat...

I found one near the back of the cafeteria...I put down my tray as I sat down at the sucks being the new girl in school in the middle of the year, you get I am right now, and as usual,a guy I barely even know asks me out on a date, that's right, I always transferring to another school, because why, every boy keeps hitting on me on the first day of school, some just asks me out , and some of them even tried to pull me into the janitors closet and keyword:tried, pervs...Its not that it's bad, but it always happen on the first day of school in a new school, I don't have any girlfriends to hang out with because they're jealous of me...I just wanna lead a normal life, I thought it would be different here in Mission Creek High, but no, That narcissistic prince just had to ask me out before even getting to know me, yes, I'm talking about Chase Davenport...but i guess I have to live with it, I'm not transferring to another school again...

I was pulled out of my own thoughts when he came...

I looked at him confused

Bree:What are you doing here?

Chase:Can't I sit here?

Bree:Oh (I said as I start eating my lunch)

Adam:Hey guys!


Bree:Hey Adam and Leo! (I said with a smile)


Bree:So, do you guys always do this when there's a newbie?

Adam: Do what?

Bree:Sitting with the newbie during lunch, I mean, not that I don't like it, but most popular kids don't really sit with the newbie...

Leo:Really? I guess they're not really friendly, but we are...

Bree:Not all of them (I mumbled to myself)

Adam:Have you gotten your schedule?

Bree:Yeah, I have Chemistry next...

Chase:Really? Well I guess were going together again (He said as he smirked)

Bree:You have chemistry too?


Bree:Oh, yay!

Great! That's just great! Note the sarcasm...Now I have to deal with him again...Let's just hope that he doesn't ask me the same question like he did before...

The bell rings...

Adam and Leo:Well, we'll see you guys later than...


I grabbed my bag and grabbed hold of my tray when he took my arm

Bree:What are you doing?

Chase:Wait for me (He said it like it was the obvious thing)

After we threw our trays away, we went straight to class

In class

Mr Kinley:Oh, you must be the new kid, I suppose you would want to introduce yourself to the class...

I nod as I went in front of the class while Chase went to his seat

Bree:Hi,I'm Bree Henderson, I'm 16 going on seventeen, and I just transferred here...

Mr Kinley:Thank you Ms.Henderson, you may take a seat...beside Chase Davenport since it's the only seat left...

Bree: Oh okay

As I walk to my seat, I heard someone say

Boy:Man you're hot...

I rolled my eyes as I went straight to my seat...

Chase:So I guess, we're sitting with each other...


Chase:Okay, I can't stand this anymore, why did you reject me?

Bree:Again with this?

Chase:Uh yeah

Bree:Look, I rejected you cause I don't know you well enough

Chase:I don't think that's the reason, look at this face, girls can't resist this...

Bree:Yeah, yeah, whatever...

Chase:Whatever?Hello? You're a girl, aren't you supposed to be fainting now that I'm talking to you?

I gave him a really? look

Chase:Yup, they do that

Bree:Look, I'm trying to focus in the class now, so it would be really helpful if you keep your volume down...

He rolled his eyes and stayed silent

The bell rang

I packed up my bag, and he started talking

Chase:Now can you tell me the reason?

Bree:The reason to what?

Chase:You rejecting me?

Bree:Fine, you wanna know why? It's because you're a player!

Chase:I am not a player!

Bree:Oh really, just looking at your attitude and how the girls look at you, I already know you're a player! In fact, you might even have a girlfriend right now!

Chase:That is so not true

A girl passed by when Chase stopped her

Chase:Danielle, I'm breaking up with you

And there she ran while crying


Chase:Hey, that doesn't mean I'm a player

Bree:Chase, it's like your love life is a cycle! First, you see a pretty girl, then you ask her out and she said yes, before she knows it, you broke up with her for another girl!You go around breaking hearts and you don't even care! I don't want to be tortured like those stupid girls who actually agreed to dating you! I'm not like those other girls! I have a heart, I have feeling for your information!

Chase:Well, maybe I want to end the cycle! Please, just give me a're not like those other girls, and I get're beautiful, smart and sensible...I could go on and on talking about you! Please?

Bree:Fine...let's make a deal, if you can walk around without asking a girl out for a week, I'll go out with you...

Chase:Alright, deal (He took out his hands to shake on it)

Bree:Oh, Chase, you agree on my deal, you can't go back on your words...

Chase: Oh, I won't go back on my words

We shook on it

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