Chapter 17: " Reunion"

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Hey guys...!

This Is ZaYn...And I'm back with a new exciting chapter... I hope that all of you will enjoy this new chapter... I hope you'll like it and please give feedback So that I can know where my work is heading...And by the way, if you like this story then please Share,Like and Vote I would appreciate it....... :D



Mr.Cole felt sorry for Rage after hearing his response so he asked

"Hey Boy, Now that you and I have rescued everyone... Its time for me to repay you... You wanted to go to the capital... Right...?"

Rage responded

"Yes...! I need to go there ASAP..."

"Don't worry boy... I have an extra [Transportation Crystal]... Its powerful enough fo two journeys..."


"Yes... I originally wanted to visit my family in the capital by using this crystal in case of an emergency... But now the situation is different... I have set two locations on the crystal... One of the locations leads towards the Capital... And the other leads back here... "

"I see... So in case, I have to come back for some help... Right...?"

"That's correct... Now First, we need to talk to the village chief... About the kids and then tomorrow you can leave... Will that be alright with you...?"

Rage rubbed his chin and thought...

"I can leave right now... If I want to... Maybe I should just leave right away... But I also have to help Mr.Cole survive... His disease is quite serious and only my body can withstand the treatment required to save his life... What should I do...?"

Rage turned his attention towards Mr.Cole and said

"Old Man, I think that I should leave today... But, before I leave I have a request..."

Mr.Cole felt a little sad thinking about Rage leaving so soon because Mr.Cole developed some fondness towards Rage... After all that he has done for him and the kids... He thought that he should stay with the kids for a little while otherwise, the child inside him will exist no more only leaving behind a boy filled with sorrows and pain... Mr.Cole felt like he should help Rage get over his sorrows... Because whenever he saw Rage he thought of his own younger child... Due to his disease, He can't do much for her but only if he could help Rage get over his suffering... He replied

"Rage... I think you should stay here for a day... Because I think you need this... You have gone through hell and beyond... This will ease up your pain... Besides, many kids have taken a liking to you... If you leave now... You'll just break their hearts don't you think so...?"

Rage chuckled and said

"Old man... As I said earlier I have a request... Can you accept my request...? Answer me in a simple Yes or No..."

Mr.Cole sighed and replied

"I guess you won't take this old man's advice... So be it then... What do you want...? "

Rage looked Mr.Cole straight in the eyes with a serious expression and said

"Will teach me how to fight and how to use Magic...?"

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