Chapter 10: "The Way Back"

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Hey guys...!

This Is ZaYn...And I'm back with a new exciting chapter... I hope that all of you will enjoy this new chapter... I hope you'll like it and please give feedback So that I can know where my work is heading...And by the way, if you like this story then please Share,Like and Vote I would appreciate it....... :D



Rage glanced at the rising sun and at that moment he knew that it was a new beginning for him... He turned his gaze away from the beautiful scenery and started walking onto a new path... A path that will change his life forever...

"Hmm... It seems that the forest is not that far from here... I may find a way to get to the high road... After all, I must go to the Capital... Tenji and the others might be in trouble... I must get there as quickly as possible or otherwise... They might die Or even worse... "

The forest was situated at the end of the entry to the village so to get to the forest he has through the abandoned village...

Rage walked through the abandoned village... He could not even see a single soul in the village... It was like a Ghost Town... He went into one of the houses and tried searching for some food but couldn't find anything but some rotten bread which was lying on the table covered with dust... He didn't hesitate and ate the bread without thinking about how foul it was...




"That was disgusting...!! But it can't be helped... I wonder why didn't the villagers return after the catastrophe ended... Hmm, I wonder did Zeref and his men killed all the villagers... Nah... That's not it maybe they didn't want to come back here to this shithole... Come to think of it there isn't much food here... So I think that the people of this village were very poor... And I can already guess the reason behind their poverty...They must've known what kind of man he was...Hmm... Ah... Well, he's dead so it doesn't matter now..."

He said that in such a cold tone like somebody's death doesn't matter to him anymore... It seemed that after his encounter with his demonic counterpart he felt nothing... It seemed like he froze his broken heart so that it wouldn't get hurt anymore...

Rage took a bag from one of the houses and some bottles containing water and started heading towards the entrance of the village... After a while, he reached the entrance and started his journey towards the forest... after a few minutes... He finally entered the forest...

"Now I just have to remember which direction the high road was according to Zeref's map... I believe that it was North-west from here... Let's see... "

Rage didn't have a compass at that time but, he had his pocket watch which Zeref gave to him... He then Pointed the 12 o clock mark at the sun and imagined there was a line down the middle of the angle between the 12 o clock mark and the hour hand. Then he looked at that line down the middle of the angle. That line was pointing towards North.

"So, North is this way and the on the right-hand side we have the west... It's a good thing that Father Matthew taught us how to handle these kinds of situations... Otherwise, I would have gotten lost in this Forest... "

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