Chapter 21

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Mckay's POV

After Cam told me that he was leaving, he left. I cried all night. I don't want to be apart from him. I don't even know if I can trust him. There are rumors going around about him, they are saying that... Well you know, that he sleeps around.. I'm nervous about him going back to California.

I cried myself to sleep last night. I'm just now waking up and it's noon. The guy's flight leaves at 1 am and I am definitely NOT looking forward to it.

Me and Cam are hanging out in like 7 hours, which I am also NOT looking forward to because it is just gonna kill me more.

My phone started going off, but I didn't want to answer it. It was Lexi's ringtone so I just decided to answer it since she was going through a hard time too.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey." She said sadly

"What's up? How you feelin?" I asked her

"I guess I'm fine," there was a pause before I heard her take a long breath, "to be honest? I feel like complete shot. I honestly thought Nash and I had something, but I guess not... You know?"

"I get it... Cam's leaving tonight and when he told me, it killed me." I told her

"Are you going to the airport?" She asked.

"Yeah, so at least I can have a goodbye kiss and stuff." I replied

"You want me to come with?" She asked

"Honestly, yeah. But Nash will be there..." I told her

She thought about it for a minute, "I'll go to be there for you."

"Thank you. They are leaving at 1 am so I guess I'll meet you at the airport." I told her.

"Okay. Love you, bye"

And we both hung up.

~Hanging out with cam~

We have been hanging out for like 5 hours. It's getting more and more depressing by the minute.

"I just can't believe you're leaving in an hour." I cried into cam's shoulder

"I know baby, but we will face time and talk on the phone and text and we will see each other again. I promise." He told me.

I just nodded my head and we sat on the couch. The airport was 25 minutes away from my house so we had to leave in 30.

We sat and watch an episode of teen wolf and by the end, it was time to go.

We got cam's stuff in my trunk and we drive off.

"Will you call Lexi for me and tell her that we are driving to the airport?" I asked cam

"Of course."

They talked and when he hung up, he said that she already left. He called Nash and Nash already left too. I hope they aren't there together..

I'm SO SO SO SO SORRY that I haven't updated in forever!!!!!!

On better news, I met Sammy Wilkinson, Nate Maloley, Trevor my queen, Rickey Dillon and Thompson, Andrea Russett the fucking bae, Dylan Dauzat, Lohanthany, Brandon Jordan, and freaking Pierre!!!!!!
I went to digi tour in Vegas and it was so amazing like seriously... Sammy Wilkinson squeezed my butt then strait up told me, "I like your butt." I didn't know what to say back so I told him I liked his too...
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