Chapter 12

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"What else are we doing?" I asked cam.

"You'll see." He winked.

He grabbed my hand and we started running. As we were running, I trip on my own two feet. Good job McKay... way to embarrass you self. Cameron ran back to me and helped me up. The whole time he was laughing, so I hit his arm playfully. I looked down when I felt my face heat up.

He put two fingers under my chin and lifted my head up.

"Don't look down. Your beautiful, even when you blush." He told me.

Of course, that made me blush more.

I looked right at Cam's eyes and he looked back at mine. I suddenly got a big burst of courage and I felt myself leaning in.

Our lips crashed together. I felt sparks and butterflies and fireworks and everything else that they say you feel. I've had other people kiss me, but this one was different. It was more passionate and just all around amazing... no, It was more than amazing it was... well... I can't even think of a good enough word for it.

We pulled apart. "Woah." cam said.

"I know."

"I've never kissed anyone like that before," he said "that was amazing." I laughed because I was just thinking that.

"Come on!" he yelled.

Oh yeah, the rest of our date. I guess I was so lost in that kiss, that I forgot about our date.

We got to the end of the dock and I saw a little speed boat. "My uncle owns this place." cam told me "He is letting us take the boat for as long as we want."

"Cool." I replied.

We got into the boat and he powered it up.

We ride around for about an hour. We were riding out a little more when I saw a little island. "Are we going there?" I asked while pointing to the island.

"Yep." he said popping the p.

I was so excited.

We got to the island and cam tied the boat up. He grabbed a basket from under Hus seat. We walked to the sand farther up and cam layed a blanket down. He sat down and I sat next to him. He pulled the contents out if the basket which was:

Two sandwiches

chocolate covered strawberries

Two sodas

and two cookies

We were eating in silence. It wasn't awkward at all. It was actually quite perfect.

We were both done eating, so can put the basket back in the boat. We just layed on our backs watching the stars.

After about an hour or maybe two... I don't know, I lost track of time, we walked along the sand. He grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers.

We stopped after a while and Cameron turned to face me.

"McKay, I know that we have only known each other for a couple of days, but I feel like I've known you forever. I think- no, I know I'm falling for you. I guess what I'm trying too say, McKay, will you be my girlfriend?" I was surprised. I didn't know what too do.

"Yes" was my reply.

okay guys. I got some serious feels while writing this. sorry it took forever for me too update! I've been busy lately...

Anyways... I'M MEETING JACOB WHITESIDES!‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼ I'm so happy! I'm really excited!....

Also I want to give bae a shout out.

Her book is called "Meant to be" it's a Cameron Dallas one...

Her username is @skyleeeeeee_

so yeah... read it! or I'll kill you! jk jk!

Thanks for reading! love you!

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