Chapter 14

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I woke up to my phone going off.

* So tell me where youre hiding your voodoo doll cause I can't control myself*

I looked at the screen to see who was calling. Oh no, it's Carson. I don't know if I should answer it.

I decide to not ignore him.

"Hel-lo?" I answer shakily.

"Hey baby. It's Carson." He said

I got kind of angry. "I'm NOT your baby anymore. I'm with someone new. Someone who treats me RIGHT." I yelled into the phone.

"Hey, don't get all bitch mode on me God. I didn't know you were with someone. Tell me about him. What's his name? How long have you known him?"

"Could you not question me about him? It is none of your business."

"Okay sorry. I was just wondering" he said.

"It's okay. His name is Cameron, by the way." I told him cam's name because I felt a little bad. I don't know why I was so bitchy right now.

"Oh that's cool." He sounded... sad. Wait, he feels emotions?!

"Wait, why are you calling me?" I asked.

"I was bored and wanted to hang out with you." He said

"Um, No? We aren't friends. I'm sorry but, it's true. You know what you did too me. Why don't you go and hang out with your asshole friends?!" I hung up.

Why would he think I wanted to hang out with him? Besides I'm hanging out with my baby today :)

I decided to text him.

( C- cam, M- McKay)

M: Hey babe :)

C: Hi baby :*

M: We still gonna hang out today?

C: Of course :)

M: So I was thinking we could just watch movies at my house?

C: Okay :) That sounds fun. As long as I have you.

M: *blushing* babe! awww!

C: Okay well, I'll see you in like an hour?

M: Sounds good baby.

I start cleaning my house because it is a mess! Geez! I start in the living room and in thirty minutes, I finish my entire house.

I have 30 minutes left to get movies and snacks so I hop on my bike and ride to the store.

At the store I spend I've 30 dollars on just candy. I have a problem. Cameron is going to think I'm a freak.

I ride back to my house and as I get closer, I see  figure standing on my porch. I start freaking because I think it's cam and I don't know what time it is because I forgot my phone.

I brought my bike around back and walked to the front.

It isn't cameron, it's Carson. This can't be good. Why is he here?!

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