Chapter 17

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McKay's POV

When I woke up, I was kind of disoriented. Where was I? I tried getting up but I was being held down. I looked down and saw that cam had me in his arms tightly. Now I remember, I told Cam everything about Carson and it was really hard. cam kept saying how he was going to kill Carson and stuff but eventually I calmed him down. After we were watching movies and then we both must've fell asleep.

"Cam?" I poked his shoulder.

He just grunted. I decided to kiss him to wake him up. I lightly pecked his lips. His eyes fluttered open.

"Hey." he said once he saw me. "What time is it?" I shrugged and grabbed my phone. I unlocked it and saw that it was 3:47 a.m. Holy crap! "Babe, it's 3:47." I laughed. "Hah, well can I just stay here?" he asked me. "Yeah. I can get you something of my dads. Hold on." I told him.

"Okay." he replied

I walked up the stairs and went to my room first. I put on a pair of mickey mouse pajama shorts and a pink tank top.

I went into my parents room and got a pair of my dad's basketball shorts out of his drawer. Cameron has a T-shirt on already so he can just wear that.

I decided to brush my teeth before I went downstairs.

After I brushed my teeth, I threw my hair up into a messy bun.

I walked down the stairs and threw the shorts at cam. He put his hand over his heart and acted like he was crying. "Why would you do that? That really hurt!" he said. "Oh shut up and go get changed." I laughed.

He walked up the stairs laughing. When he came down, I couldn't help but stare. This boy was toned. Holy Hell. He noticed I was staring. "You like what you see?" He smirked.

I was blushing, so i put my head down. He walked over to me and put two fingers under my chin. He slowly lifted my head up and he pecked my lips. I still felt fireworks... even though it was just a peck.

The things this boy does to me.

Cameron's POV.

I really loved McKay... I feel like I can't live without her. I think she feels the same, but I'm not sure.

We need talk but I'm not sure how she is going to take the news... I'm so nervous.

"Babe, let's go back to sleep?" she asked me

I nodded my head.

She grabbed my hand and we walled up the stairs to her room. She let go of my hand and opened the door. I looked around at everything. She had at least 20 posters of One Direction. She had little bobble heads of all the guys too. I laughed a little. "I'm guessing you like One Direction?" I asked her. She just laughed and said, "how'd you know?" I walked over to her shaking my head while laughing and sat on her bed.

She layed down and so did I.

I wrapped my arms around her torso and we both fell into a deep sleep.

Lexi's POV.

After watching 2 seasons of Gossip Girl, I got hungry.

"Nash?" I looked at him.

He turned and looked at me. "Yeah?" he asked.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him.

"Yeah." he replied "Let's go find something." I put my hand out so I could help him up. He grabbed my hand and I got all tingly inside. Wow. I just grabbed his hand...

I pulled him up and we walked to the kitchen. I looked around the cupboards and saw that we had like nothing.

"Okay, we have, ramen, cake, bagels, cereal, and more ramen." I laughed.

"Ramen is fine." Nash chuckled.

I grabbed two packets of beef ramen. I grabbed a pot and filled it up with water. I set the pot on the front burner and turned it on high.

I turned towards Nash and we just talked.

"So how old are you? Haha I mean we've been talking for like 2 days and I don't really know anything about you." he asked me. I laughed and said, "I'm 16."

"Okay." he chuckled.

"Yeah." I said. All the sudden, I felt my finger burning. I didn't notice at first but my hand slipped and was on the burner. "Ahh!! Shit!" I shouted. "Oh crap!" Nash yelled. "Here." He turned on the water, turning it to cold. I put my finger under the water. I turned it off and Nash kissed my finger. I blushed, "thanks." I said.

I looked up and I was face to face, looking strait in those ocean blue eyes that I could get lost in so easily.

He started to lean in and so was I.

Nash's POV.

I suddenly gained a lot of courage.

I leaned in. Our lips crashed together and it was like fourth of July fireworks. Our lips moved in sync and I licked her lower lip asking for entrance. She gladly accepted. We fought for dominance and of course, I won. She had her fingers in my hair and I had both of my hands on her hips. When she pulled away we both said wow. That was the best kiss I have ever had in my life.

Okay, so I tired to make this update long. Um yeah... I don't know what to say except thanks for reading and to vote and comment.
Also I need someone to make me a cover so if you want to it needs to include:
authors name
and the picture should be of cam
just send it to my kik: @shawnissex

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