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A/N: 5 chapters to go. : ) I'm really hoping this chapter will be great. Keeping my fingers crossed.


Troy Tomlinson was once an honorable man, a great father to two children, a great husband to a charming wife, a great friend to anyone who knows him. Those descriptions can interfere with many negative things and he knew as long as he kept that façade, he'll get away with the murders he had inflicted on his wife and even in an innocent person that his son once loved.

Of course he'll never forget the rage he had on the day he wanted Louis to die, so coming closer to the gates of the dormitory he was familiar with brought back not only flashbacks of those negative days but also of his pure rage.

Any murderer would have a motive as to why they kill, Troy killed his wife because he wanted to see her choke, Troy attempted to kill his only son because he knew he had seen his face and the trauma wasn't going to defend those real memories in Louis' head any longer.

He didn't intend to kill Harry that day, but god, he realized the thrill of taking someone's life for the second time was far more better than the first one, he really didn't care that he raped Harry -knowing it wasn't a part of the plan- to him it was just a heat of the moment kind of action, he enjoyed it while it lasted, he was disgusted nonetheless still smiled when he remembers it.

He was a sick, sick person. And that to him was the perfect excuse. The perfect motive.

"Dad" Louis calls out as he crosses down the path where the gates were currently opened, Troy was leaning on one of the metal bars and looked up to see Louis nervously walking towards him, with that Troy thought this is perfect.

He knew Louis would be alone, he has got to be alone, no one knows Troy is there, but Troy knew someone knows Louis is here, no one will suspect him … perfect.

"Louis" Troy mutters under his breath, the cold fogs up his breath that he instinctively looked at it while it faded.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you where I was, I told Liam about it and thought you would probably ask him before me -as you always do … I guess it wasn't right to assume what you will do, sorry" Louis apologized, he bowed his head down and saw that his father's shadow moved, coming closer to Louis, until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"It's fine, as I see it, this is a great place to paint especially with you previous paintings this area seems to fit the darkness of it, so I don't blame you for not telling me, I should've known you would be too busy to talk to somebody"

Louis was staring at the hand in his shoulder, his father wasn't a type of guy who shows you he cares by comforting you, he isn't the type of guy to even apologize … or to even understand somebody's feelings, as far as Louis is concerned whatever his father is doing right now … it's … unnatural.

He honestly felt scared.

He remembered Harry's words about the memories he has been seeing, and suddenly he felt squeamish almost to the point where he panicked and took a stepped back, Troy showed confusion in his expression but Louis could see something else in his father's eyes.

Painting Deathly Secrets Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now