Painting Deathly Secrets

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I paint for a living, I paint about death, pain and suffering of any creature known to man, if you ask people who know me as a painter, they would probably say that I capture essence of death in every stroke of the brush, but they don’t know how I do it, to them it’s my secret, a secret that will never be revealed but for me it’s just a part of my life, painting these kind of things is very hard to capture in a canvas, that’s why I tend to research secrets to let me feel the suffering, the endless pain of every human being murdered, every child abandoned, every haunted place, it makes my paintings more realistic, realistic to the point that you can’t stare at it because of how painful it is to look at every detail.

I am Louis Tomlinson, the famous painter of deathly secrets and I’m at my last mission a mission that was supposed to be about me painting my last work to prove that I am indeed a phenomenal painter, my mission of painting something beautiful rather than my usual horrifying paintings, instead I will paint someone who is beautiful, someone who saved people’s lives therefore leading to his death, someone I learned to love, someone I want to protect even though he’s already dead someone called Harry Styles. 

Copyright 2014 © ShippingxLarry [ Jamila ]



As most of you already see, this book is back!, I posted this a while ago and lost interest on it, sorry about that, now that I know what to do with the book, I thought I should keep my promise and give it back, so here you go.

I planned to change the introduction but when I tried to change it, it revealed to many things from the plot, and it might ruin the story, so I just kept the old one, if you have read this book before, you'll probably notice that the chapters are completely different, it's because I changed most of it, especially now that I have, I guess, improved my writing, I thought I should just rewrite everything, anyways enough with the chat.

This book is rated N-17, 16 and below should be aware of the consequences of reading this book, this will be filled with gore and horror that you might not like, this is also a boyxboy book, and also a Larry book, basically if you don't like those stuff, you can stop reading this and find another book that you might like, thanks for stopping by.

Anyways, Thanks in advance for the reads, I will forever appreciate the support [if there is going to be any] and if there are any mistakes feel free to highlight it and comment it down below, I'll change it as soon as I can. - Jamila



Twitter [I don't really use my twitter 'cause I got hacked and started another one but you can still follow me] JamilaHoranHood

AO3- ShippingxLarry

Kik: JAMILA0019 : )

Feel free to ask me questions on any given links above [except AO3]

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of this book, this is a work of fiction, everything in this story is made up [except H&L because I believe they have a real relationship sorry not sorry, it's my opinion though, don't judge] Anyone caught stealing any parts of this story and posting it on any site, will be reported, If you guys are planning to endorse this on any of your books or sites, message me and link me to it, I'll support it and thank you. [dedicate me if you post it on wattpad ] anyways, Bye


Painting Deathly Secrets Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now