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I'm going back to writing this in 3rd person, just because most people liked it better in 3rd person, what do you guys think? 3rd person or 1st person pov? Write it down in the comments, there's still time to change it so …

Ps: The Italics are Flashbacks btw and they are not written in 3rd person so you guys would know : ) and most of them are also written before the present time of the story : )


"Harry I'm scared" he said to me, I looked at him and nodded my head, even if it was dark, I could still see his blue eyes shining.


With the small light the moon was giving us, I could tell that he was in fact scared, we both were. What had happened was traumatizing for the both of us, the worst part is, it was still happening.


A slamming sound of a door came, we both stiffened, he was shaking beneath me, so I hugged him more tightly. We were crouched down on one corner of a classroom, we were so close to the exit of the school, but it was too risky to run towards the exit, we might get killed before we could even run in the first place.


"Just remember if one of us were taken, the other one will have to run, run as fast as we can" I said


"No one's getting taken, you're not leaving me, and I'm certainly not leaving you" He says sternly.


I glared at him, even though I couldn't see his face, and surely he can't see mine, I still glared at him, I know no one likes the idea of leaving one of us helpless, but it's the only idea in my head that will save him … even if I had to sacrifice myself for it.


"Boys, Boys, Boys, where are you" The same man we were running from screamed at the top of his lungs, another set of slamming door sounds came, that's when I realized he was searching every room.


"Hold my hand, we need to run" I said


"Wait" He holds my hand tightly.


"Promise not to let go?" He asks, I stiffened at the question but I was more focused on getting out of here so I said.


"I promise."


And we ran.


That said promise … was then broken.


Blue eyes.

Those blue eyes seem to be familiar to Harry, he didn't really know why, but he did know now that the person he just saw in his room was alive, he was breathing, it wasn't a ghost just like he was and other people he met in this school, that person's name is Louis … and he's beautiful.

Yes, he is beautiful.

Harry made It a point to write it down in big capital letters on his notepad, and yes, he can touch stuff if he wanted to, he knows if people were watching some kind of horror movie, they would probably be confused as to how Harry can touch stuff, and how can other people see him when in fact he is, a spirit.

Painting Deathly Secrets Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now