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Author's Note: Don't hate me that I didn't research any school or university in Homes Chapel, I didn't want it to be //that// realistic, so I made a imaginary school. Hopefully you guys understand. Feedback is much appreciated.

Ps: I ended the prologue with Louis going to Homes, Chapel I didn't write anything in between, basically he just got stuff he needs and continued his journey to Homes, Chapel, nothing special : )


I parked the car at the front of the abandoned school called St. James academy, it was a big school, which makes me excited, 'cause the bigger the place the better history it has. The dormitory--which according to research said it was the place where this one kid got murdered--was placed at the front of the school, it was odd seeing the dormitory first before the actual scenery of the school, but I guess it was some kind of closure to them, either way it still looked creepy.

"Okay, Liam what do you have for me?" I asked no one, as I reached for my phone and clicked on Liam's message. It basically just said that the crime scene was already cleaned up, no one really solved the case as to who the murderer was, but they did know who the boy is, which I'm hoping I would find out myself. I read a bunch of references from Liam's text and saved it for later, I'm just glad that this place was free for me to roam in, and according to his text, I'm sleeping here too. 

I grabbed my backpack and slung it on both of my shoulders. I grabbed the keys in the ignition also my phone and placed inside my pockets. I opened the door and got outside. I went at the back of my car and lifted the trunk off, I grabbed the plastic bags full of art supplies and food, then closed and locked the trunk.

I walked towards the gate and admired at how rusty it looks, I pushed it open and saw that it made a creaking sound … creepy, this will surely put me in the mood. I looked around and saw the black spots of dirt on the rocky pathway towards the front porch of the dormitory in front of the school, I am sleeping here, might as well get used with the scenery.

I heard a tapping sound beside me and saw that it was a crow tapping on the window sill, crows and haunted schools and dormitories? Can this place get any better? I saw a figure on the window, I smirked, so I'm not alone, I saw the curtain cover the window fully, and I felt the same familiar goosebumps running down my body. I guess someone was watching me.

I walked inside the dorm and went straight to the stairs, good thing it was only 3 stories, 'cause I don't think I can climb the stairs that much. I walked up the stairs, the weight of the stuff I was carrying was starting to hurt my hands and arms. I sighed in relief when I reached the top of the stairs. I reached Room 31, the guest room, which was located at the end of the hall. It was meant to for guests, but never actually used because no one actually got to visit this school.

I reached for the keys in my pocket and opened the door, I pushed it open with my whole body and saw that it was still clean, I'm just glad that Liam got the electricity fixed on most parts of the school, 'cause I'm not that desperate to sleep in the dark alone. I placed the art supplies in the bed and the food in the counter next to the small kitchen.

I placed my bag in the bed and laid next to it. The bed was still soft, I saw black and brown splotches all over the ceilings and the walls, the window sill was almost faded black from the dust, I lifted myself off the bed and grabbed my bag, I placed all of my spare clothing inside the closet, I grabbed my tape recorder and slung the strap on my neck which dangled on my chest.

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