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Author's Note: There will be a lot of sexual tension and teasing from now on, because I still wanted them to be attracted to each other, even though they know there will be a lot more things to think about in the future. So hopefully there won't be a problem on "the story going too fast". Hope you guys like this. : ) - Jamila


Louis fluttered his eyes open only to see a blur that looks like a body lying beside him, he jerked back realizing it was real, but then relaxes when he saw that it was only Harry. He remembered Harry slept with him … in Harry's old room. It never really mattered to Louis to find out what it is that Harry had freaked out about last night, he thought that Harry would tell him about it eventually.

Louis took the chance to look at Harry solemnly, he noticed crinkles below his eyes, he also noticed small specks of freckles on his cheeks, he wanted so badly to outline Harry's face with his finger, he imagined them to feel beautiful as the way he sees it.

It never seem to bother him that he's looking at a complete stranger with so much fond, but it did bother him when he realized … he was looking at a ghost, a person who is already dead. He took a deep breath and sighed, he was realizing a lot of stuff today, most of it involves Harry.

One thing he doesn't seem to get out of his mind is Harry, and Harry only, the painting that he was supposed to do seems to be forgotten or at least pushed back on his main priority list, he made Harry his priority … he wanted to know the guy, get close to him, ask him about his past … Louis just really wanted Harry to talk to him more, at least --be friends with him.

Just friends. 'cause he knows, they can never be more than that.

Louis reached out to poke the place where the dimples are supposed to be, he poked it slowly and Harry groaned, Louis pulled his hand back quickly and smiled fondly at the boy in front of him, he could get up and make himself breakfast, he could also shower or at least leave Harry alone, but there was something inside him that was pushing him back to bed and making him look at Harry with … admiration, Louis liked the feeling, he wasn't letting it go.

So for the hundredth time, he smiled at the features Harry had on his face, his neck and his body that Louis didn't notice before, god, he wanted Harry so badly now, which to him was fucked up and weird at the same time, better keep the thoughts to myself, he whispered.

Harry on the other hand was awake this whole time.

He cheekily watches Louis from time to time when Louis looks around the place instead of Harry, Harry didn't want to wake up yet, 'cause he knows they might not return into this position ever again, he also have to explain to Louis everything, and that would be stressful, so he took the calming advantage and just closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

But, he realized that maybe he could do something else other than sleep, something that will be fun, he doesn't remember the last time he had fun, or at least made a joke or pranked somebody.

"Harry, wake up" Louis whispered, he grabbed Harry's shoulder lightly, and shook him for a couple of times, "Harry, Hey, Ha--"

Harry screamed.

Louis pulled back and screamed just as hard and ended up rolling out of bed, Harry laughed so hard he even snorted at the end, Louis laid down on the floor, both hands on his chest, the boom of his heart was fast paced that he thought he was going to die, eventually Harry realized Louis wasn't getting up, him being a worrisome lad, quickly made his way to the other side of bed to check on Louis.

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