Chapter 20: From Future to Past.

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15 years later.

The brunette girl ran through the long hallways. Her long hair flew behind her as she sprinted down the seemingly endless hallways. The silver laurel on her head glinted in the sunlight, which poured from the tainted glass windows. He was back! It was so long since he had stopped by them!

A green-eyed girl seemed to be walking past the hallways. She halted on her way, as she looked at the girl running towards her. Lucy skidded to a stop, her hand holding the wall for balance, as she panted.

"My Queen, What is't, now?"

Lucy looked up. Anna stood in front of her, her posture straight and hands behind her back. Anna had grown a lot over the years. Everyone would agree to that. Her auburn-hair, beneath her gold circlet, was neatly made into a beautiful fishtail braid, adorned with crystals. She had become even prettier with time. Her cheeks flushed pink and forest-eyes reflected her many years of experience in them.

Lucy was perplexed. Anna rarely talked to them so formally, which was only during- Oh, oh! She noticed Lady Isabel passing them. Lady Isabel was strange woman. Not a woman to be messed with- Strict and harsh. Put one toe out of line, in front of her- and before you ask, yes, it includes running in the hallways; and face her wrath. Anna used to absolutely despise her. The girl was unlike other princesses and refused to do feminine things- like organise tea parties and talk about men. She was fierce and strong, rode horses and trained like a soldier. Recently, Lady Isabel had come to visit them, as a token of greeting from the male-chauvinistic Empire of Archenland.

Lucy quickly curtsied and Anna gave a fake-smile and wished her, as she passed. Isabel just gave a nod of acknowledgement to them and walked away.

Anna dropping her act, looked at Lucy, "What befell, Lu?"

"IsawtheTelmarineshipsnearthedocksHamishisback!" She rambled.

"Oh.. alright.. umm- What?" Anna asked, raising an eyebrow.

Lucy took a deep breath and continued, "I saw Telmarine ships at the docks. Methinks Hamish hath join to visit us."

Anna's eyes widened, "Really?!"

Lucy nodded, smiling.

"Well then, I better inform Peter." She said, and after thanking Lucy, rushed to Peter's chambers.

Lucy looked at her leave and then, continued her sprint to the main gates.


Hamish looked around as he jumped off his ship. Narnia. The aroma of the freshly baked bread, and the traditional music, made him right feel at home. The little boy was no longer the same. He was now a man. And a very good-looking one at that. His jaw had become more angular and a thin, but long scar ran along it. His crown looked as majestic as ever, perched upon his short and messy light-brown hair. That was one thing that hadn't changed. The mop above his head was still untameable as ever. His accent had changed as well, into the typical Telmarine one. His honey-eyes gleamed in excitement as he spotted the beautiful, unparalleled castle of Cair Paravel. He had great news for the people, who had become like his own family, over the years. It was the same reason that had brought him here. He was about to give them a big surprise. Anna would be so happy to see him. It was almost an year or two, since he had seen her. Or Lucy. Oh! How he missed her! He had been so busy maintaining Telmar.

The Telmarines had become his close subjects after his coronation. That was probably why, Telmar had slowly become one of the most powerful kingdoms after Narnia. The Telmarines believed in brains more than brawn. They were innovative people, who seemed to be full of smart and creative ideas, to conquer neighbouring countries. However, the bigger the kingdom, the more uprisings.

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