Chapter 16: An Unexpected Adieu.

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They all stood, rooted to their spot, their expressions stony and the worry, somewhat visible on their faces.

A dark procession marched forward. Four cyclops carried a bier, on top of which the White Witch sat, her white fur gleaming under the sun. Behind her, a phalanx of Minotaurs marched in lockstep.

Her loyal servant, the dwarf- Ginarrbrik, walked ahead of the procession, his head held high, as he called out, "Jadis, Queen of Narnia! Empress of the Lone Islands-"

Aslan's army roared in protest, the dwarf's voice drowning in the sea of shouts.

The cyclops lower her down, right in front of Aslan. On both sides, they were surrounded by the Pevensies and Williams, who led rest of the army.

The lion just raised his paw, and they all quieted down. The Witch cast a disdainful look at Anna's figure and then looked at Edmund, with a smile full of malice. She looked back at Aslan.

"You have a traitor amongst you, Aslan."

Aslan looked at her, angrily, "His offence was not against you."

"Have you forgotten the Deep Magic?" She said in an icy tone.

"Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch. I was there, when it was written." Aslan growled.

"Then you should know it well. Every traitor belongs to me."

A sword, unsheathing could be heard at the same time, Ginarrbrik's long beard, caught on fire. The dwarf just jumped away, patting it, to extinguish the tire.

"Try and take him then." Peter called out, pointing his sword at the witch, dauntingly.

She looked at Peter with a menacing smirk, "Do you really think you can rob me of my rights, little king?"

"He's not the only one." Anna moved forward, glaring at her.

The witch simpered, looking at the girl, "Little witch. How nice to finally meet you."

"I am nothing like you." Anna said, clenching her fists.

"You're right. So young. So naïve. So stupid." The witch's smile disappeared. "He dare not refuse me."

Aslan looked solemn, as he said, "What you say.. true."

"No!" Hamish yelled, as the witch smirked.

"You can't do this!" Susan exclaimed, as she held Lucy tighter, who seemed angry as well.

"I didn't say it was right." Aslan said.

The witch looked at the Pevensies in disgust, then looked at Edmund, "I don't know Edmund.. Maybe I'll call off our little bargain. They really wouldn't have made such good servants after all."

Edmund hung his head in shame, wrapping his arms around himself.

"Enough. I shall talk with you alone." Aslan said. The witch followed him into his tent.

They all waited, sitting on the grass outside. Hamish placed a hand on Edmund's shoulder, "Don't worry, Edmund. I'm sure Aslan will not her take you."

Edmund gave a thankful smile, which came out to be a grimace. Lucy hugged Susan tightly, as the girls whispered something about Aslan to each other.

Peter kept on pacing back and forth on the grass, anxiously, stealing glances at his siblings, who seemed equally miserable.

Anna sat farther away from them. She was lost in her thinking. The witch wasn't wrong. She was young. She was probably naïve and stupid too. But she wasn't wrong. How could Aslan convince the witch to consider Edmund an exception when he clearly belonged to her?

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