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Your POV: 

I don't remember what happened that night, but I think there were probably a lot of embarrassing drunken moments. I just hoped I hadn't done anything too stupid. My headache was terrible, and I never left the bench that Oli and I had been sitting on, because I was laying on his shoulder. I sat up, seeing my phone flashing with notifications from a social media. Overnight, hundreds of people had begun to follow me, and my DM requests were insane. What had I-? 

But then I saw it. Oli's story was filled with pictures from last night, and I was tagged on every single one of them. Most of the requests were hate mail, but some of it was praise because Oli wasn't hurting from his breakup anymore. I didn't know how to react to it all, but Matt was awake, because he was leaning over my shoulder. "Oli couldn't keep his mouth shut, could he? " Matt sighed. 

"It can't be that bad, could it? " 

"It shouldn't be too awful. I mean, it was relatively obvious yesterday that you were special. I bet no one thought it was Oli you were with though, especially because I was the one who got you into the crowd. " He showed me his own phone. 

"People thought we were together, even after I told them about Oli, " There was a long list of messages and comments asking about me. 

"Well it's good that Oli cleared that up then... " I sighed. I forgot about all of the fan attention I'd be getting. 

"Yeah. You'll probably end up getting more positive attention than negative eventually though, " Matt reassured me. 

Oli stirred, opening his eyes. "Who's getting negative attention? " 

"In case you don't remember, you posted all about (y/n) on you story last night, " Matt told him. 

"They don't like her? " 

"Of course they don't like her. People love a single celebrity, Oliver. " 

"Okay, well they'll just have to get used to it then. " He hugged me. "Are we in San Diego yet? " 

"Yup." Matt leaned in really close to Oli so I couldn't hear. He whispered something into Oli's ear, and Oli nodded, smiling. "Well, time to get the others up. " 

"Hate to break it to you babe, but you're going to our concert today, hungover or not. " 

I nodded slowly. "I'll be fine. I've had a worse headache before. " 

"You were barely drunk back home, and you had it pitch black in there. What do you mean? "

"I had a migraine that day, Oli. " 

His eyes filled with realization. "Oh, that makes a little bit more sense. " I stood up. The others joined us, Jordan complaining about him hangover and the hellish sunlight pouring into the bus. Lee was laughing at him because he didn't get hungover, the luck. And Nicholls was quiet mostly. Until he finally spoke up. 

"Did you post all about (y/n) last night? " He asked Oli. To which Oli nodded. "You might want to keep doing that. Because people keep saying things about it being fake. " 

"You mean that people think I was hacked? " 

"It's quite the story, " Lee pointed out. "Mystery fangirl suddenly Oliver Sykes's girlfriend? I mean, I don't believe it myself, and I'm standing right here witnessing it. " 

I chewed my lip, feeling like the elephant in the room. 

Oli shook his head. "I don't care if people believe it or not, I don't do everything for them anyway. So what if they don't love me anymore? " 

Matt nodded in agreement. "I don't see any reason to make a huge deal of it right now anyway. They can write their little posts and fanfictions about their opinions on the subject if it bothers them that much. " 

*time skip to the concert because nothing interesting happens* 

Oli POV: 

This time, I signed (y/n) 's arm to let her into the front. She'd told me that it worked when Matt had done it before, so I believed her and signed it. She left and I felt the slight nerves fill me. I felt better when I was on stage, but before the show I always got a little nervous, because who doesn't? 

I was the last one out on stage, and hearing all of the shouts and cheers forced my fears away. My eyes landed on her, smiling up at me with anticipation. "Are you fucking ready for this?! " I shouted, and like every other time, I was met with excited roars. 

I had a fun on the stage, not caring what happened, because no matter what I did, they still loved me. And the show was over before I knew it. The audience was dismissed, and I ran backstage to meet (y/n). 

I took her by the arm and started running with her to the other stage. We had to get there on time, I couldn't force her into the front like before. Everyone else had already known about this, but I'd been keeping it a big secret to surprise her. 

"Oli?! What are you doing?! " She shouted. 

"It's a surprise! Just keep running!" I called back to her. 

When we got to the other stage, people were already beginning to crowd, to I took her and pulled her through, to almost the front of them. Most people recognized me, much to my dismay. I shook them off, trying not to steal the show. This wasn't for me, it was for her

When the drummer, Gabe, walked onto the stage however, the attention strayed from me, which was a good thing. But (y/n) looked at me, eyes filled with realization. "Your brought me to a Sleeping with Sirens concert?!" 

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