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Your POV: 

The concert was this afternoon. I was rummaging through my clothes, trying to find the right outfit to wear, when Oli entered the room. "Did you bring all Bring Me The Horizon shirts?" 

"Of course not, " I guestured to the Sleeping with Sirens shirt on the floor, and the Black Veil Brides one next to it. "Just mostly that."

He looked at my suitcase a little bit closer. "Is that a dress I spy? "

I groaned. "Avert your eyes lover boy. "

"I'd love to see you in one, " He said, lips dangerously close to my ear. I shivered and pulled away, embarrassed by the attention. I finally decided on a shirt and then left for the bathroom, where I quickly did my makeup and hair. 

When I came out, Oli was pouting adorably. I couldn't help but giggle. "What's the matter, Oli? "

"You put all of that, " he gestured to my face, "on. Now I can't do this. " He leaned over and kissed me, lip locking with me for the first time, but I broke the kiss before it could grow too intense. 

"It doesn't seem to be stopping you now, " I said, still giggling. 

He was still holding me close, "you're irresistible. " To which I blushed as Matt walked in. (A/n: I'm gonna call the other Matt by last name when I refer to him outside of dialogue, so that you know when I'm referring to the bassist and when I'm referring to the drummer.) 

"Eyes, and in this particular case ears, " The bassist said jokingly as he entered. Oli moved away from me a little bit, respecting his bandmate's opinion. "We have one hour before we have to be backstage. So we were thinking we'd practice a little bit." 

Oli nodded. "Of course, I'll be right there. " He took his phone out as Matt left. "Pose however you'd like, just try to look at the camera." 

"What? " But as soon as I obeyed, Oli had taken a picture of us. He stood without so much as another word, joining the rest of his band for their rehearsal. 

I stayed out of the way, not wanting to draw any attention to the rehearsal. This was an important time for them to get ready. 

So then, what do I do to occupy myself in the meantime? 

I decided to call my friend. 

"You're calling early. "

"They're practicing, I don't have anything else to do. How are things over there? "

"Well, I just found out that my fiancé has been slitting his wrists for seven years now. He's getting help, but it's still really not good. I just wish that he would have told me. That he would have let me in. I could've helped him. " Her voice cracked a little bit. I knew she really cared for him, and I was sorry to hear that he had been doing that. 

"I'm sorry. What can I do? "

"Not much you can do. What about over there? How is it? "

"Nothing to report yet, except that Oli slept with me last night. "

I could hear her scream on the other end as she began hyperventilating. "Girl that's fucking impressive. "

"Nothing happened. We were literally just sleeping. That's it. " 

"I'm sure. I wasn't expecting anything else yet anyway." 

"So then we have nothing to talk about? "

"Actually I have one thing. Remember when you ordered that new album from Sleeping with Sirens that never came? "


"Well I went to check your mail like you asked me to, and you just got it. " 

"Well isn't that great timing. Are you coming to the airport? "


"You can just give it to me when we get there then. And don't you dare open it before I get to. Hide the box from yourself if you have to. " 

"Ha, ha. " 

"I mean it. " 

"Okay, okay. I promise not to open any part of the package of Feel that was delivered to you. " 

"Good." I heard someone talking in the background. 

"(Y/n), gotta go. Talk to you later. Tell me all about your first show tonight, before  you guys get intoxicated preferably. "

"Oh ha, ha. And of course I'll tell you everything. I promise not to leave out one detail. And I'll be calling you right after the show. "



When I hung up, I noticed the the band had stopped playing anything. I went to going out to see what was going on, but Nicholls opened the door, a worried look on his face. "Oli fainted, and we can't wake him up. " 

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