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Your POV: 

The crash was enough to sober me up. I sprang from the bed and bolted out to the main room, slamming into Oli. 

He turned around and grabbed my arms before I fell. "Whoa, whoa. It's okay. I'm fine. Are you? " He cocked his head at me. 

I nodded quickly. "Yeah. What happened then? " I looked around and saw the broken glass on the floor. 

"It was on the edge of the table. So when I walked by, it fell over." 

I made an 'o' with my mouth. Well now I felt stupid. He let go of me and I stood there awkwardly. "Well, uh. Goodnight then. " 

"Goodnight, (y/n). " And then he left, for real this time. 

Well, that was embarrassing... 

Oli POV: 

I regret nothing. Of course I'd knocked the glass over on purpose just to see what would happen. I didn't expect (y/n) to freak out like that, especially because she wasn't sober. But it was cute how much she cared. The alcohol-indused conversation we'd had in my car wasn't what I'd expected exactly. I knew that she was skeptical about me, but I didn't think that she was that afraid of losing me. Her friend was a little but annoying, maybe too pushy. I hoped I hadn't bothered her, especially because I'd barely said more than three words the entire time. 

But what's done is done. I had her coming on tour with me, which would mean I'd get to spend all the time in the world with her, and she'd get to go to all the shows. I would take her to see anyone she wanted there. It would be great, perfect. 

I just had to make it official. 

The following day I came back to (y/n) 's apartment,  bringing sweets to help with her hangover. She hadn't texted me back yet, but she had given me a key about a day ago. I let myself in without knocking, mostly because I didn't want to make her headache worse. The apartment was nearly pitch black, so dark that I had to use a flashlight to see anything. "(Y/n)?" I asked as quietly as I could. 

"Oli. I don't wanna do anything today, " She groaned. 

"I know. I come bearing sweets. " I handed a chocolate to her, which she ate slowly. "How is it?"

"The chocolate? Or the hangover? "

"The hangover. "

"It's painful, but it should be gone by this afternoon. Tell me Oli. How much can you see in this lighting? "

I squinted, trying to understand why she'd asked me that, but then I saw her bare legs, that ran into a shirt that could've come down a little but further. 

"I can't see anything, " I lied. "Hey, you know what makes hangover feel a lot better? "

"What? "

"This, " I leaned over and kissed her softly. 

She looked into my eyes, as if unable to understand why I'd just done that. "Oli? " 

"Yeah? "

"You can see can't you? "


She stood up anyway, but I grabbed her wrist. She stopped walking, and I took the opportunity to pull her back down, right next to me. "Don't go. I can't see anything  honest."

Now she only nodded and leaned against me. "Does this mean that we have to make it official yet? " 

"I think," I took her hand in mine and played with her fingers, "that we can do whatever we want. I don't care if it's official or not. " 

"Can we make it official? "

"Sure. As long as you promise to stop being so nervous all of the time. " I put my arm around her shoulder, and she leaned into me even more. 

"You make me nervous. " 

I kissed her hair. "How come? "

"I already told you. Last night. " 

"You're not gonna lose me. " 

(Y/n) nodded slowly. "Can we stop talking now? "

"Headache? "

She nodded again. And we sat quietly like that, not saying anything but enjoying each other's company. 

Can You Feel My Heart (Oli Sykes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now