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Oli POV:

The guys had brought back the cheapest and most convenient thing they could find, which happened to be pizza.

And can I just say, American pizza is weird. 

But (y/n) wasn't touching her food. She hadn't eaten anything all day, according to Jordan. She was just too worried. But it worried me. 

"Please eat something. Even just a bite, " I asked her gently. She looked me in the eyes, and took the smallest nibble out of the crust of her pizza. 

And she didn't touch another piece of food that night. 

But no one could pry her away from me when everyone left, and I told the nurse, who had asked her to leave, that she couldn't leave. When I was questioned, I simply said it was for her mental health. I wasn't asked anything more. 

(Y/n) was staring at my hand, which she was holding and rubbing. She had her legs bend so that her knees were at her chest, and her other arm was around them. "(Y/n)? " 

She didn't make a sound, but she looked at me. 

"You're really not okay. You're not acting right. " 

"I'm just tired I guess. And a little bit stressed out, " She said, shrugging. 

I moved to the far side of the bed, pulling her with me. I forced her to sit on it next to me. The bed was really small though, so our hips were right against each other. I sat up a little bit more, running my free hand through her hair, then cupped her cheek, unable to keep from staring at her lips. My eyes fluttered shut as I pulled her face to meet mine, kissing her. And she was kissing me right back, not missing a beat. I knew that we where in a hospital, but I couldn't resist taking it a step further. 

I licked her bottom lip, moving my hand down to her back to pull her closer. Her lips parted slightly, and my tongue found its way into her mouth. She had had her free hand around my neck, but she moved it down to my waistline, closing the distance between us. I moved from her mouth, trailing kisses down her chin to her neck, which I covered in kisses, each one a little bit sloppier than the last. I soon returned to her lips, which seemed as interested in mine as mind were in hers. 

The kiss broke as gently as it had began, but both of us were gasping. Her cheeks were so pink I almost wanted to kiss her again. But then a doctor came in to check up on me, eyeing us suspiciously. We were still holding each other like we had been a few seconds ago. 

"That's not for two people, and I need to check out the patient, " The doctor said. 

(Y/n) reluctantly stood up and returned to her chair, still holding my hand. 

After a quick check-up, the doctor left the room, and I pulled her back. This time, I put my arm around her and pulled her head onto my shoulder. I leaned back with her, coaxing her to sleep. 

"Do you want a lullaby? " I asked. 

She nodded slowly, probably unaware of how much she was enjoying all of this attention. 

"Why are there so many songs about rainbows? And what's on the other side? " I sang to her quietly, to which she giggled. 

"What? "

"Oli, you're part of one of the biggest names in metalcore, and your lullaby of choice is The Rainbow Connection? "

I ignored her. "Just close your eyes and listen," I whispered, worried I'd sounded too harsh. 

(Y/n) didn't seem to notice though, because she just giggled a little bit more and closed her eyes. 

"Why are there so many songs about rainbows? And what's on the other side? Rainbows are visions. They're only illusions. And rainbows have nothing to hide. So we've been told, and some chose to believe it. But I know they're wrong, wait and see. Someday we'll find it. The rainbow connection. The lovers, the dreamers, and me. " My voice faded off at the end, as (y/n) drifted off to sleep. I kissed the tip of her nose gently, and covered her with the many hospital blankets that I'd been given for the night. I would be released tomorrow, just as long as I didn't show any signs of relapse overnight. I pulled up a few over me as well, pulling her closer to me, and then I fell asleep. 

Your POV: 

When I woke up, I was surrounded by white. White walls, white blankets, white bed. But the second thing I noticed was the warm breath on my neck. I looked over and saw that I was completely entangled in Oli. I didn't remember being this close to him when I fell asleep though. It was an awakening fact. I tried lifting his arm, but even in sleep, his grip remained firm on me. I struggled to sit up before someone else saw us like this, because it was wrong on multiple different levels. But it was in vain, because I couldn't do it without waking Oli. 

Suddenly there was a deep inhale from Oli. And I felt him shift all around me, before he suddenly pulled me even closer to him than before. "You smell sweet, " He murmured into my neck, to which I shivered, embarrassed by his strangely flattering compliment. 

I tried to turn around to face him, which he noticed. He loosened his grip on me, allowing me to turn, before he very quickly returned to his original position. He reached one hand up and tangled his fingers in my hair, pulling me closer to him until he could kiss me. "Did you sleep okay? " He asked me. 

I nodded. "Did you, I mean especially after being unconscious most of the day?"

"Yeah. It was great. Better than last night because you didn't leave this time. " 

"I couldn't pull out of your grip. "

"Mmm, " He said, closing his eyes again. "I don't wanna wake up." 

"Oli, you have to get back to the bus so the tour can go on. They gave everyone who had gotten a Seattle ticket a Portland ticket. Your show is double booked." 

Oli's eyes widened. "Double booked? That's amazing! " It was only then that I realized how quickly the heart monitor had been going ever since he woke up. It had been like then when we'd made out yesterday too, and every moment that we had been close to each other. 

I was making Oli's heart race. 

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