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Your POV

I was making Oli's heart race. 

I was making the Oliver Sykes's heart race. 

But I wouldn't bring it up. I didn't want to embarrass him or catch him on the spot or anything like that. 

That's when Jordan entered. "Are you ready to-" He stopped when he saw us. He covered his eyes. "Oli, can I speak to you? " He eyed me. "Alone? " 

Oli looked at me, letting go of me. "Of course. " 

When I left the room, I took the opportunity to check my phone. I'd neglected it ever since I last called (bff/n). There were a stream of text messages and missed calls from her. When I first called her, she yelled at me before I could get one word out. 


"Listen, please. I've been at the hospital-"

"Oh my god. Are you okay? Please tell me you're okay!"

"Yes, yes. I'm fine. It was Oli. I think someone drugged him somehow. " 

".... You're coming back here right now. "

"Why? "

"Because what if they come for you next?! I can't bear to think what would happen to you. I had a bad feeling about this from the start. " 

"I'll be fine. I promise. Oli will probably be super protective anyway, especially because he'd be worried about the same thing. " 

"Just promise me. No, hold your pinky up right now and fucking pinky promise me you'll come home, alive. " 

"I pinky swear, " I answered, holding up my pinky like she'd asked me to. 

"I'll see you when  you get back. Call me after today's show. "

"Of course. Talk to you then. " And then she hang up. I didn't enter Oli's hospital room until a doctor went in, and Oli made a gesture for me to enter. 

Oli POV: (about ten minutes ago, when you first left) 

"I told you not to get so close to her, " Jordan scolded. 

"And I couldn't help it. She was so down, it was killing me. " I hesitated. "How's it coming along? " 

"Slowly, but it's moving. It's a work in progress, so it should be done by the end of the tour. " 

I sat up all of the way now, throwing the blankets off, and then realizing I was in a hospital robe. 

"May I please have my clothes? " 

"When the doctor comes in, that's something for you to ask him. " 

As if on queue, the doctor entered. I saw (y/n) standing in the doorway, and I invited her in with a gesture. 

By the time I had gotten redressed and signed out, it was about nine in the morning. The bus was already waiting relatively close by, so we were on the road within minutes. 

"Did you hear about what they did? " Lee asked me. 

"The double fact that they double booked it? " I replied. 

"Actually yes. I assume she told you then, " He gestured to (y/n). 

I nodded in response. Lee leaned in a little closer. "Are you still writing it?" 

I nodded again, this time less noticeably. 

He then proceeded to stand up and leave me. I sat on my phone, mostly because (y/n)  was redoing everything for the concert. I didn't understand why she had to be ready so far in advance. The show wasn't for almost five more hours. She finally emerged from the bathroom, wearing the same thing she had been yesterday, except with a different shirt. Yet somehow, it was still merchandise. 

I took her wrist and led her to the bench. I reached around me for the deck of Uno cards I kept there, finally finding them. "Do you wanna play? " 

She nodded, holding her hand out for the seven cards that I would deal her after shuffling. When we both had our cards, I was surprised by her poker face. I couldn't tell if she had any good cards or not by reading her. 

And I think I'd been set up for failure, because within five minutes, I had more than double my original card, and she only had one left. I placed a card down, hoping that it wouldn't be the number or color she needed. Unfortunately, my luck was stale, because she won the round. 

"What does the winner get? " She asked curiously. 

"You'll have to find out at the end of the next round. If you can beat me twice in a row, then I'll tell you what the winner gets. " I smirked at her. "And you'll get it. " 

"You're on, Oli. " 

The rounded ended even faster than the first one, with me having even more sour luck. Honestly, I'd come up with the excuse to think about what the winner would get. An idea popped into my head. 

"What does the winner get?" She asked. 

"This, " And in a quick motion I moved forward and pinned her against the wall, kissing her. It got intense really quickly, my tongue slipping into her mouth-

That's when the foot steps came. "Whoa," Nicholls said quietly. I broke the kiss, embarrassed by the small saliva strand. "Honestly, Oliver. Get a room, " He teased, then he turned back the other way, leaving us. 

(Y/n) 's cheeks were red from embarrassment. It occured to me then that I still had her pinned against the wall. I looked into her eyes, and then backed off. "Sorry about that. I probably should've-" 

But she threw her arms around me and silenced me with a kiss of her own, this one much more gentle than mine. "It was the best trophy I could ever get. Now, tell me. Warped Tour is already huge, so how are they going to fill it twice? " 

"They're not, " Jordan said, entering. 

"What do you mean? " I asked. 

"We're doing two shows today. The one at two is for the people who'd bought Portland tickets. Then there's one at five for the people who bought Seattle ones. Two shows. " 

"Did you heard that baby? You get to see me perform twice within a matter of the five hours," I told her excitedly. And in response, her eyes lit up. 

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