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Your POV: 

Sometime around two, I finally decided that I needed a little bit of sleep. Because I was the only girl on the bus, the guys let me get changed before they would even go near the part of the bus with the bunks. That, plus Oli would totally make them regret their birth if they ever saw anything. 

I'd bid them all goodnight before leaving, so I just crawled into my bunk, finding it difficult to sleep. I didn't know why, I just didn't want to be alone here. But before I could even think anymore about it, my phone started buzzing. I was expecting it to be my friend, who I'd already called hours ago. But I was surprised when I saw the text from Oli, who was literally a yard away from me in the other part of the bus. 

Oli: u can't sleep

You: you don't know that. I was starting to drift off before u texted.... 

Oli: if I were there rn  u would be blinking a lot bc ur lying

You: u can come in u know. I'm presentable. 

Oli: and ur inviting me in. U definitely can't sleep. 

I groaned. Now I really wouldn't be able to sleep. Still, I didn't want him to not be here either. The door opened in that moment, revealing Oli. 

"It's been a while my love, " He said, grinning. 

I nodded, and sat up. 

"No, no. Stay there." He gently pushed me back down, and climbed up to my bunk. He sat on the edge, legs dangling down to the bunk below. "So, why can't you sleep? " 

"It's too quiet. "

"You live alone, " He pointed out. 

"It took me a week before I was able to sleep the night there. " 

Oli sighed. "I'll stay with you." He reached over and grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers as he brought them to his lips. 

"You need to sleep though, you have a show tomorrow. " 

Oli thought for a minute. "You're more important. And I could sleep. " 

I felt a dark blush rise in my cheeks. "Oli, no. " 

He held up one hand in retreat. "I'm not gonna cross my boundaries. "

I looked into his eyes, which were still beautiful. Even in the dark. 

I moved back a little bit, pulling him into the bunk with me. "Are you sure? " He asked. 

I nodded tiredly. I wanted sleep, and I knew he needed it too. Oli wrapped his arms around me, tangling his fingers in my hair. "Goodnight, (y/n). " His breath smelled so sweet. 

"Goodnight, Oli, " I whispered, smiling a little bit. 

Somewhere in the next five minutes I drifted off. 

Oli POV:

I had never expected to sleep with her this early on. It wasn't like I was going to do anything, I didn't want to. But still, it felt special. She'd fallen asleep pretty quickly, her lips parting slightly as her breathing became heavy. 

I kissed her forehead as gently as I possibly could, both unable to resist and not wanting to wake her up. 

I don't know when I fell asleep after that. But I knew I did, because when I woke up, (y/n) was gone. Where was she? I jumped out of the bunk and ran out to the kitchenette. She was right there, drinking something and texting someone. 

I breathed a sigh of relief and hugged her. She hugged me back. "Are you okay? " She asked me. 

"You weren't there. I was worried. " 

"I couldn't sleep anymore, " She shrugged. I kissed the tip of her nose, making her blush lightly. 

"So have you eaten anything yet? " 

"Oh, I don't usually have a breakfast. I feel sick when I eat early in the morning. "

I nodded, understanding what she meant. "Right," I said. She jumped up on the counter. 

"This bus is more stable than my apartment, " She noted, and we both laughed. 

"Are you excited for the show today? " I asked. 

She thought for a moment. "Not at all, " She said, feigning disappointment. 

I played along. "Aww, don't say that. You'll break my heart. " I put my hand to my heart, pretending that it was being broken. 

(Y/n) jumped off the counter and hugged me. "Of course I'm excited Oli. I love seeing you guys live." 

"I'm glad, because you have to see every. Single. Show. " 

She smiled her infectious smile, which I returned. 

"Alright you two, it's still our bus too, " Jordan said, interrupting us. 

"We're not doing anything, " I said. 

"Your lack of acknowledgement towards your super obvious and sickeningly sweet flirting is even more sickeningly sweet. " 

"I'm not naive, " (Y/n) said, crossing her arms over her stomach. She walked out of the kitchen. 

"Don't let her become a distraction, Oliver, " Jordan warned. 

"I know, I know. I'm not going to forget why we're really here, I promise. " 

"Just as long as you don't do anything too stupid. " Jordan smiled at me. "She's perfect for you, Oli. " 

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