Cupid Screwed Up-Virgil

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I kept ignoring Roman all day. It was the last class of the day so that was going to be a bit hard. Dee caught up with me while we were walking down the hall to the drama department. "Hey Vee, I thought you were getting along with Roman? You've been avoiding him all day."

"I know what I've been doing and he know the reason."

"Well I dont and I'm suppose to be protecting you so can you please tell me if I have to punch him or some shit"

"He...said something." He tried questioning me more but I quickly silenced him. "You work for my family and I can easily change that if you continue to push." He quickly shut up and we continued to walk to the theater. We walked through the door and Remy immediately latched onto my shoulders and started shaking me back and forth.

"What. The. Hell. Did. You. Two. Fight. About." He continued shaking me before we were split up by someone.

"Remy stop. He can't answer if you keep shaking him." Oh it's Emile. "Now Virgil, why does Roman think you hate him?"

"He knows what he said and you do too. I saw you watching the fight. Stop bothering me about it and let's just finish the damn thing." I started walking towards where we were working and glared at Roman before grabbing paint and continuing what we were doing yesterday. The others joined us but they were obviously uncomfortable and could feel the "tension" between us. After a while Demetrius finally spoke up.

"You guys are gonna fucking die at the singing competition if you don't talk to each other so I suggest dealing with your shit now rather than later."

"Yea get yo shit together you oblivious fackfaces." Way to sum up exactly what Dee said, Remy.

"I don't even know why he's mad at me. We were just talking and he started getting all defensive about something."

"You know what you said you dimwitted troll." I snapped at Roman.

"Okay stop the fighting." Emile raised his hands as if it were going to do anything. "We can be rational about this. Virgil, can you tell us what exactly Roman said to make you mad?"

"You should know, Remy talks to you about everything." I muttered. "He was saying shit about people without soulmates being sad and people who never met their soulmates being sluts." Remy flinched and turned to Roman. I could tell he was angry. I can always tell when he's angry.

"That's what the website said. Why are you so mad?"

"I'm fucking done." I got up and walked out of the room. I stormed down the halls fidgeting with my pocketknife. I stopped at my locker and repeatedly banged my head on it.

"How's your day going?" An annoyingly recognizable voice rang from a few feet away.

"Your brother is so fucking stupid and I want nothing to do with him." I answered.

"I already knew that but I guess this means you'll be dropping out of the competition thing, huh? And if you drop out doesn't that mean you have to go on a date with him?"

"I'm not dropping out of the stupid bet thing." I said finally resting my forehead against the locker door. "He just needs to know when to shut the fuck up." I heard Remus hum in response so I looked over at him. He was leaning against the locker just one down from mine looking at his nails. "Aren't you suppose to be in band?"

"Got kicked out for today, they decided to try and let me play cymbals today. It's not my fault they're a bunch of dorks. And besides, the author needs a reason for you to come to my house later."

"What? I'm not going to your house later, especially since you share a room with him"

"What if I could get him out of the house?"

"Maybe. Which one of your dads are gonna be there?"

"I don't know, padre or neither of them. Really depends on if padre is working at the cafe or not."

"As long as I don't have to be in the same room as Roman then I'm fine with it."

"Then why the hell did you ask which one of my dads are gonna be there?" He questioned. We were now both sitting on the ground facing each other.

"I like your dads. They're cool"

{time skip brought by don't fuck with me}

Remus texted me telling me that he was able to get Roman to leave and his dad, Patton, was home. I could just come in through the window to his bedroom. So here I am walking down the street to his house. I saw a ladder leading to a window on the side of the house so I'm assuming that's his room. I started climbing the ladder while thinking of all the ways I could die or how stupid it was to come to Remus' house for no reason other than him telling me that I would come. I should just climb back down the ladder now and go home. "Hey Virgie!" Too late. Remus helped me climb through the window and we sat down on his bed.

"So...why am I here again?" I asked.

"The author wanted you to be here so I can help you work out your shit or something like that. The instructions in the script weren't really clear so I'm just going with it." I nodded pretending to understand what he was saying. "So why'd you get mad at dickface?"

"He said some shit. Made me think of some other shit. That's basically it."

"Well what the fuck did he say? I can't fucking help you if you don't tell me what the fucks going on"

I sighed and fell back onto the bed. "He was talking about soulmates. I already hate that enough but what he was saying about people with no soulmates or who never met their soulmates made it even worse. Cupid screwed up when he made us soulmates."

"Oh that stupid website he found? Why you getting mad about it? Not everything people find on the internet is real." Screw Remus and his sense of judgement.

"It's just hard to hear that and I'm going to fucking murder him."

"I don't know why it was hard for you to hear that and I'm probably not gonna be interested in it but have you told Roman what the problem is?"

I thought about that for a minute. Roman doesn't know why I'm mad and I never told him about mother and father so he didn't see harm in talking about it. Damn Remus. Why do you have to make sense. "Y'know, Emile couldn't talk sense into me."

"Probably because you didn't give him time. Now if you excuse me, Roman! Get the fuck in here!" I groaned. Of course Roman is still here. Has he been listening the whole time? He walked through the door.

"Why did the article make you mad? Please Virgil, I don't want to fight with you."

"Oh my fucking god. You sound like we broke up. We aren't dating and never were so I don't see why you need to beg. You already know I don't like soulmates so I don't even know why you brought up what you read about them anyway. Just shut up about soulmates already." I sat up and just blankly stared at him waiting for something. Remus was leaning against the wall watching us with a bag of popcorn in hand.

"Re and Ro! Where are you!" A voice shouted from downstairs.

"Hey Olive Garden! We're in our room!" Remus shouted. I sighed and broke eye contact with Roman. Olive entered the room and sat on the floor by Roman's bed.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Virgie is mad and Ro-Ro and I've never found anything as interesting as this."

"So...couples fights?"

"We are not dating." I respected for the millionth time today.

"Just make up or make out!" Remus said.

"I hate everything about this." I said before getting up and going through the window.

"Hey Virge, try to think about forgiving Roman. I know it might be hard but you can't win the bet if you're mad at him." Olive said after I got back to the ground.

"I'll think about it."

Word Count: 1402
I'm writing again fuckers and the elmo cult and pillow fort cult might be joining forces. That makes me scared. Anyways ima go play minecraft now (btw I didn't proofread this so :P)
Bye for now guys, gals, and non-binary pals

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