That Line- Roman's POV

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Well fuck.

I've fallen in love with a gang leader's son. How the hell did that happen? One second we were singing, the next he was threatening me, and next I was daydreaming about us being together.

It cant be the fact that we're soulmates. right? What are the bad thing about him?

His clothes? No that's hot....topic.

His hair? No I like the dyed purple.

His personality? Nope it's cute when he tries threatening people.

His eyes? Nonononono. His eyes are beautiful. How does someone have purple and silver eyes? It's amazing.

His voice? Definitely not. He has the voice of an angel.

Well fuck. I'm head over heels for this guy. I'm so fucking gay. It's almost like someone wrote me to love him and make me feel weird for liking someone like him.

After what happened at lunch nobody would stop bothering me about it. Emile, Joan, and Thomas alone asked me over a thousand questions. The rest of the people at school kept coming up to me and bothering me about it or just kept staring and pointing at me.

"we aren't even friends" Those words stuck with me all day. Does he even want a soulmate? Or does he want to be one of those sad people that are born without them?

I was walking home from school with Remus. Neither dad or father could pick us up from school today. Something about working late. Remus was in his own little world walking beside me. He had some headphones on and wasn't even paying attention to me. HoW rUdE!

I yanked the headphones off of his head and put them on. Is I burst out laughing. Why is my brother, the most sickeningly evil person I know, listening to this?

"HEY! Give them back!" Remus tried to get the headphones out of my hands but failed.

"Explain. Now."

"I like it alright! Give it back!"

"I didn't take you to like this stuff Re"

"Shut up or I'll rip off your nipples and shove them up your nose!" He finally grasped the headphones and shoved them in his backpack. "So. You and the gang kid?" I stopped. Why does he have to being this up when we were having so much fun.

"What about it?"

"Is he why you don't like talking about the soulmate thing? How long have you known? Is it why you were so bummed out on Friday?"

"Yes. Since Friday. Kind of"

We were almost home and Remus hasn't pushed the topic of my soulmate anymore. Is he planning something? We got home and almost immediately I flopped on the couch. "Remus! Wanna watch Toy Story!"

"I don't fucking care what we watch! I'll be down in a few!" What's he planning? Usually he comes running down in a Woody costume once he hears that I'm watching Toy Story. There's something going on.

Minutes later he basically jumped down the stairs and set the movie up in record time.

"You. Are. A. Toy! You aren't the rea-"

"I'm home kiddos!" I heard the door shut and dad putting up his keys on the hook. "Watcha guys watching?"

"Toy Story" Remus and I said simultaneously.

"Neato. I'm gonna go start dinner"

"But it's only 4:50"

"Spaghetti takes perfection" We laughed and went back to the movie.

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