Remy-Roman's POV

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We arrived at school after a lot of fighting with Remus about listening to Hamilton or Beetlejuice. We ended up fighting so much we didn't listen to anything we wanted and dad put on the campfire song from spongbob. After we got there, instead of running off to annoy god only knows who, Remus stuck by my side and followed me to the courtyard where I met up with Emile and Thomathy.

"Where's Joan?"

"They said they were sick but told us to interrogate you more" Thomas said, "Why's Remus here?"

"I wanna interrogate Roman and meet his fuckboy"

"HEY!" I covered Emile's ears. "No cussing around the innocent and he isn't my fuckboy. He's my soulmate that doesn't even like me."

I uncovered Em's ears and glared at my brother. I waited for a moment but they didn't ask any questions until.... "OMG! YOU GUYS COULD BE LIKE SAPPHIRE AND RUBY!! minus the fusion part... WOULDN'T THAT BE CUTE!" Emile started fanboying while Thomas thought it over and started squealing with him.

"So gonna win over your fuckboy or you just gonna hope he likes soulmates and marry you?" Remus put his arm around my shoulders and used me for some sort of support.

"I'm not so sure he likes soulmates." Remus nodded a bit and we looked back to see Em and Thomas still talking about Steven Universe. "Will you two stop with this. How bout you bother Remus about his song. He hasn't found his soulmate so you can ship him with whoever you want." They stopped talking and looked at us. I heard Thomas mumble something about really looking like twins but otherwise they didn't say anything.

"What're they doing?" Remus whispered to me.

"I don't know. They go silent sometimes like this. Usually Joan is here to bring them back to life." He nodded and looked around.

"Soulmate 4 o'clock." I looked to where he was staring and saw the same two boys from yesterday. Virgil was talking to the other one, I really need to learn his name. It looked more like a one-way conversation though. "Let's go bro-bro" He started pulling me with him towards my soulmate, leaving Emile and Thomas who were talking about god only knows what now.

"H-" I started.

"No. I don't know you. I don't like you. Leave me alone or I will kill you." He started walking away but the other stayed behind.

"So you're Virge's soulmate. Don't mind him he just had some....bad experiences with soulmates." He sighed and looked down at the pavement.

"So he's not going to kill Roman?" I quickly jabbed my elbow into Remus' stomach.

"Oh no he will kill you with no hesitation. Try not to die, k babes?" Without our answer he started walking in the direction Virgil left.

"They sound fun!" Remus smiled as he let go of me.

"I'll win him over"


"I-umm...I don't need to tell you." Remus shrugged and started walking into the school, with me soon following after I saw we only had a minute to get to class.

{magical time skip}

I walk over to the table with Emile and Thomas. They smiled innocently and I immediately know something's wrong.

"Hey Roma-" Thomas starts.

"What did you do?" Emile starts squealing and Thomas' grin grows.

"Nothing~ just a little something" I sigh and try not to think of all the things they could've done in the classes I don't have with them. I sit down next to Em and start eating my sandwich. They just stare at me with the same stupid smiles.

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