Talks and Fights-Remus' POV

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I checked the time on my phone, 1:53 am. I quickly got out of bed and slid on some pajama bottoms over my boxers and a sweatshirt. I quickly slid downstairs and through the door. I walked my normal path to the park and started whistling the song. Surely waking up at 2 in the morning and not going back to sleep until around 5 is damaging my brain and physical health but you can't really damage something that's already broken. That, my dear readers, is one of the best words to live by. Apart from fuck and always tell. I slow down my pace around the tree and wait to hear a whistle back.

"Heya cutie."

"We don't know what each other look like yet idiot. And what's got you in a good mood?" They asked.

"I'm not really sure. How are you, koolaid man?"

"Koolaid man? Where'd you get that from?"

"Koolaid man is sexy. I don't know. The author is going on maybe one hour of sleep, if that." I responded naturally breaking the fourth wall. "Would you rather have me call you shrek?"

"Oh god no." We laughed and fell into a comfort silence. Well, as comfortable as you can get leaning on a splinter machine in a fanfic. "I just realized something," I hummed in response, "we've been talking for about a week now, more or less, and we don't know each others pronouns."

"Yea. I probably would know everything about you if the author wasn't such a bitch keeping everything to herself. Anyways, I don't rely on she/her or he/him or they/them or anything really. I'm just a gremlin."

" don't care what pronouns I use when referring to you?"

"Don't sound so formal it makes me think I'm talking to my dad. And I almost hit him with a mace earlier. And yea I don't give a flying fuck what you say about me. But what are your pronouns?"

"He/him. 'The manliest person ever no matter what anybody says' according to my roommate."

I nodded even though he couldn't see it. I started humming the duck song. He chuckled before asking what I was humming.


"Okay calm down. If you're going to sing songs like that at least sing the crayon song."

"How bout the noose song?"

"Rusty Cage? If you're going to sing Rusty Cage then sing the knife game song."

"Hold the dick fuck. I just came up with the best brain thing ever. Y'know that singing competition the author made up while she was writing that chapter?"

"I know the singing competition but I don't know any authors."

"Y'know how I'm a weak shit that's too much of a coward for us to know who the other is?"

"Yea...where is this going?"

"We reveal ourselves at the thing."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Here me out! We both seem to like these weird songs that nobody else in the whole town would think about singing at the thing so I say we both pick a song to sing and that's how we meet!"

"You're crazy. I love it"

I couldn't help but blush. This person actually like me. Crazy, Elmo murdering, sex jokes, me. Not even my twin brother can handle all of that. The universe apparently gets things right sometimes. Thank satan that this is a story and none of you fuckers can see me.

"Can I say something crazy? This isn't a Frozen reference by the way."

"You've already said a bunch of crazy things tonight but go ahead."

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