Soulmates...and Remus-Roman's POV

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I walked back to my room to see Joan still asleep and Thomas scrolling through his phone. He looked up at me and pointed to Joan. He placed a finger over his lips signaling to be quiet. I, unlike my brother in these situations, nodded and sat on my bed next to him.

"Where's Emile?" I whispered.

"He woke up and went on a walk. He told me he'll call us if anything happens." I nodded and relaxes a bit. Remus got home a bit ago and flopped on the couch. He kept mumbling about his heart betraying him and some other stuff. Suddenly Thomas' phone started ringing. He picked it up and put it on speaker.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna head home. Mama's worried about me and I've already been gone too long." Emile's voice came through the phone.

"Okay Em, thanks for telling us" Thomas said.

"I know you guys. If I didn't tell you then you'd probably freak out thinking that I got kidnapped" Emile sighed.

"At least we don't have to bravely rescue you from any fiend" I said posing even though he coulding see me.

"Alright guys I'll almost home. Later"

"Later" we both said. The phone hung up and we looked down at Joan. They were sleeping like a baby. Welp, they're in my house so they're gonna get waken up the same way everybody else does. I stood up and walked downstairs to see Remus watching La La Land. Okay? He only watches this when somethings wrong...

"Remus, whatcha doin?" He looked up to me and immediately pressed his face back into a pillow. He said something into the pillow that any other person wouldn't be able to understand. "What's wrong with your heart now?" He mumbled again. I sat down on the other couch and leaned my head on the armrest. "This have something to do with that crush of yours?" He nodded. "Anything else?" He mumbles something again. "Planning Emile's wedding? What?" He didn't answer me after that.

{time skip brought by chris is that a weed}

Both of our dads drove us to school. Father said he had to drop dad off at the daycare  before heading to the lab. Something about a scientist studying soulmates going there. He made it sound technical. Remus hangs out with us at school but I don't think anybody really minds. I'm still a bit worried about Emile though. Sure he returned to normal last week but yesterday was...something.

We walked to where Thomas and Joan were "talking" to Emile. Remus looked a little confused as to why Thomas and Joan were hugging Em and asking if he were okay over and over.

"Hey guys" Em waved at me between the arms trapping him. "Guys I think you can let go of Emile now."

"Please, it's getting hard to breath" Thomas and Joan laughed a bit and let Em go.

"Did I miss something yesterday?" Remus asked. I was about to answer before the first bell rang. We all walked to our different classes not saying anything else.

My first class, english, was usually very boring. We read a chapter of the book Mr.Raylee was making us read and answer questions. Nothing usually happened. But today was different apparently.

"Today we wont be reading," he started earning a few cheers or groans which he quickly shut up, "because yesterday was a tragic day for a classmate. I'm sure some of you heard about Cameron Banks and his father getting into a car accident. Sadly Cameron did not survive so we will be taking the class period to be writing cards for his family." Cameron's gone? Yesterday? Wait-

"Mr.Raylee may I go to the bathroom?" He nodded and a ran out the door looking for the math class. I quickly found it just down the hall and knocked on the door. The teacher answered and asked what I was doing. "May I speak to Emile Picani for a moment? It's on the topic of Cameron Banks." The teacher seemed sceptical but called Emile.

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