Soulmates...and Remy-Virgil's POV

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Remy taped me to a wall so I'm taping all his heels, jackets, sunglasses, and lipstick to the ceiling. He went to Emile's house and Dee is in the kitchen making dinner so this is the perfect time. I grabbed the extra roll of duck tape that Remy didn't use and a ladder. I started by digging around and eventually finding 10 different sunglasses and taped them to ceiling, then 13 pairs of heels, then 4 leather jackets, and 19 different shades of lipstick.

By time I was done Remy had texted me saying he was on his way back. I started moving the ladder into my room and grabbed any evidence that it was me that did this. Thank god I payed attention (sometimes) when father explained what police look for for evidence. I stopped at the door to make sure I remembered everything. I see my gloves and run to grab them. I hear the front door opening so I run to my room and yeet myself on my bed.

I play on my phone for a few minutes before hearing "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY LIPSTICK". I laugh a little before hearing Remy stomping around and almost ripping off my door. "YOU!"

"Me?" I ask in the most innocent voice I can manage without laughing.

"Where's my stuff?"

"What stuff? Ya gotta be more specific"

"Lipstick? Sunglasses? Where the hell are they?"

"Keep your head up, maybe you'll find them"

"Why you little-"

"Dinners Done!" Remy turns his head then looks back at me sliding his fingers across his neck. I roll my eyes and get up.

{time skip brought by I love working here, we all have a lot of laughs}

Remy did find his stuff last night when he was getting ready for bed. And he did get mad. But Dee told him "you taped your brother to a wall so you can get yo shit down yourself". Anyway, I talked to Roman about the singing competition thing and we're meeting up at the cafe down the street in a bit.

"Hey asshole!" I called.

"What bitch?"

"I'm meeting up with someone at the cafe!"



"I'm coming with you!"


"Cuz I said so" He started walking down the stairs and stopped to put on his shoes. "Remy's coming too I don't trust him home alone"


"where we going?" Remy appeared behind me.

"cafe" Dee answered.


They put grabbed their jackets and we started walking to the cafe. We would drive hut Remy's being an asshole and neither Dee or me can drive. Remy was talking about the different types of coffee and Dee was pretending to listen. I was thinking of different songs to sing at the contest thing but I can't think of anything.

"Hey guys!" A cheery voice came from across the street. I looked over to see Emile waving at us. Remy stopped talking about caramel frappuccinos and smiled as Emile walked over to us. "Whatcha doin?"

"Cafe" I said and continues walking.

Remy was now talking to Emile, Dee was looking at something on his phone, and I had This Is Gospel playing in my head. Before I know it we get to the cafe. We go up to order some drinks and I see Roman and Remus. Dee and I walk over and sit beside them. Remy and Emile sit at another table. I'm definitely teasing him about that later.

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