Chapter 10

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Mikasa's POV:
It's been three days and I was staying with Eren I still wasn't in a place to go and tell Levi everything at least until the scar and the bruise on my face disappear a little, Eren understood that and was more than welcome to the idea of me staying with him he thinks that way it's better for him to take care of me and protect me if something happened, I kind of thought it was silly from him because after what happened the other day I don't think Mike will ever come near me again but I loved that part about Eren the part of him that felt the argue to protect everyone, that's why he actually thought of becoming a doctor like his father but his grades failed him and he had to give up that dream.

"Mikasa are you finished yet?" Eren called from downstairs
"Just five more minutes"
"You said that ten minutes ago Mika"
"I am almost finished this time I swear" I giggled a little, since today was easter Eren decided it would be a good idea to spend the day with our friends at the beach although I was taken by the idea because the bruises on my back weren't gone but it was a perfect idea I can clear my mind a little, I decided to wear a long sleeved mini dress (in the pic) so I can hide my bruises I wore a swimsuit under it I had no intention of taking the dress off in front of everyone but maybe I'll swim after everyone leaves I tried to hide the bruise and scar on my face and that what took me too long I was never good using foundation or a concealer but I finally managed to hide everything

"I am so sorry Eren" I said running down the stairs
"It's o.." Eren then stared at me which made me stop I looked back at him and at a moment our eyes locked it felt like we stood like this for ages I felt like my heart was going to pop out of my chest why am I feeling like that Eren then finally talked
"Wow Mikasa you look stunning"
"Thank you Eren" I blushed a little, I get compliments from Eren all the time but this time.. this time was different the way he stared at me the way our eyes locked it was different and it felt different
I tried to push these thoughts away as Eren rushed me saying that everyone was already there and we're late he made sure that he got the drinks and the food then he drove off

Our car ride was the usual Eren playing my favorite songs and me singing to it, I looked at Eren and he had the widest smile on his face I smiled too then he started singing with a song so I joined him

We soon arrived and everyone was there they already set the umbrellas and were gathering around drinking beer so we joined them
"Sorry guys we're late blame Mikasa for that" Eren said taking a drink from Jean and I playfully hit his arm
"Hey Mika where's your swimsuit?"
"I have it under my dress Sasha but I am not planning to swim today"
"We're spending a day at the beach and you're not swimming?" Sasha asked confused I feel bad for not telling Sasha anything yet but I knew how she would react and I am just not ready for it, Armin then interrupted the conversation
"Hey umm guys since we're all here I want to say something" everyone now was looking at Armin, me and Eren were smiling already knowing what he's going to say
"We're engaged" Annie said smiling showing off her ring to everyone Armin then pulled her closer giving her a kiss on her head, everyone were screaming congratulating them
"Let's drink to Armin and Annie" Connie said raising his drink and everyone joined him, I decided to join too so I grabbed a bottle Eren gave me a look I ignored him I won't get drunk from one bottle of beer we clicked our bottles together
"To Armin and Annie" we all said at the same time and took a sip from our drinks.

We spent few hours talking about our days, work and school and laughing, they all then decided to go for a swim, I didn't want to take my dress off so I just stood on the shore the water was about to reach my knees Eren refused to leave me so he stood next to me, strands of his hair were flying from the wind making him look even more handsome, I turned to look at him he was looking at me softly the end of his mouth tilted up when my eyes met his so I smiled at him
"Doo you think that maybe a different answer to a question could change our future?"
"Of course every answer ,every decision ,every action we take can change our future, that's what makes life interesting"
"Then maybe I could have changed everything afterall" I looked in front of me watching everyone
"Mikasa you didn't know that things will go wrong"
"No I.. I mean before that"
"Before? Mika I don't understand"
"Never mind Eren I may have ended up getting slightly drunk from the beer" I giggled
"I knew you shouldn't have drunk that much"
"How badly I want to swim like everyone now" I let out a sigh
"You can always swim with the dress on"
"I know but then all the five minutes you waited for will be gone my makeup will be ruined"
"If it'll make you happy I don't mind" he then kissed my forehead
"Be careful here or I will get used to being spoiled by you rather than your usual attitude" I chuckled
"Well I can spoil you anytime Mika" he held my face between his palms
"If it means that you'll be happy and never experience anything like that I'll do anything for you"
"You two get a room already" Riener shouted from a distance me and Eren quickly broke away blushing
"Fuck you Riener" Eren shouted back and they all started laughing

Few hours have passed and we were gathered around a fire we were all slightly drunk myself included and we were all talking about our worst relationship experience we were taking turns and it was Jean's turn now
"I think my worst one was in uni she was using me to make her ex jealous but I found out so I dumped her"
"Well it's her loss anyway you deserve better" I smiled at Jean so he smiled back
"It's not important anymore and it didn't even hurt that much because it was just in the start"
"Dude you were so depressed because she was good in bed"
"Connie" Jean looked at him like he was about to kill him
"Jean you know Connie he's wasted now he doesn't know what he's saying" Sasha said defending Connie and laughing
Now it was Armin's turn "well I was only with Annie and it's the best relationship I had"
"Stop being too cute it's gross" Connie said again and we bursted out laughing

Now it was my turn I was a bit worried that my tounge would slip and say everything because I was slightly drunk I just didn't want to ruin the mood but at the same time it's the best time to say it
"My worst relationship was with Mike" I was thinking too much of it that I said it out loud all I could here was everyone saying what then I felt Eren's and Armin's shocked faces shit I said it well it's now or never then
"What do you mean Mikasa? i thought you guys were better than ever?" Sasha said worried shit I feel so bad now she might get mad at me for not telling her
"It was ok until few weeks ago when he umm started to hit me" I said looking down trying not to let the tears escape I felt Eren's and Armin's hands on mine and it made me feel fine
"What the fuck Mikasa?" Jean asked confused and angry
"Mikasa you're joking right?" Sasha asked with tears running down her cheeks the rest had a shocked face and couldn't say anything
"I..I wish I was really but I am ok now guys don't worry and I am living with Eren until Levi gets back from his trip and I'll settle down in my original house"

Silence.. no one said a word they looked like they wanted to say alot but they just couldn't let out a single word
"Sorry I ruined the mood and we were just laughing I.. I just need a minute alone and we'll continue from where we left" I got up as I couldn't hold back my tears anymore, they were all speechless and Sasha was crying and I couldn't handle it, I let my feet touch the water and the air hit my face I couldn't hold back the tears anymore then I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder, it was Eren he then pulled me closer to his chest so I started to sob very loudly so he held me tighter
"Everything is ok now Mikasa" he whispered in my ears with a calm tone and then placed a kiss on my head

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