Chapter 3

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Eren's POV:
After I hang up with Mikasa I stared at the ceiling remembering what happened
"You know I really really liked you even before highschool" I smiled at this memory so she liked me even before highschool when I was so arrogant and stupid and only got myself into trouble maybe that's why she always tried to protect me and get me out of it. Well snap out of it Yaeger you had your chance and you let it pass she's happy now with her boyfriend of two whole years and you have a girlfriend or had we'll see what happens.

Then I remembered how I met Mikasa it wasn't a kind of memory you want to share as how you met your best friend

~flashback 16 years ago~
My mom was away to see my grandma as she was sick so I had to stay with my dad I have to spend two weeks of my holiday in the hospital for most of the day with my father, Armin was away for most of the holiday too so I had no choice . It's been a week so I got familiar with all the places near the hospital there was this small forest that I loved to explore so I decided to go there that day.

As I was exploring it started to get kind of dark so I decided that it's time to go back so as I was about to turn around I saw a little figure running towards me I saw a big rock next to me so I immediately grabbed it. As the figure got closer it turned out it was a little girl about my age she had a bleeding head and she warped her left arm around her stomach, she was barefooted and looked like she had a twisted ankle. When she saw me she threw herself at me warping her arms around my neck
"Please help me someone killed my parents and he's after me" she said between her sobs
As she said that I saw him a huge man coming towards us he was so close if we ran he would catch us so I had to fight to provide us time to escape. I moved the girl to stand behind me and now the guy was in front of us and he had a bloody kinfe in his hand
"You brat think he can help you" I immediately jumped at him with full speed and strength and started to hit his head with the rock which made him drop his knife near the girl but my hits weren't strong enough he grabbed me from my neck and I started choking
"Ha nice try little brat maybe you two will meet on the other side"
"W..what" her voice was shaking
"If you don't fight we're going to die if we win we live, if you don't fight we can't win"
"Shut it you little brat you won't want these to be your last words"
"Fight..fight" I thought I was about to catch my last breath but then I fell on the ground I grasped for air and when I looked up I saw the girl stabbing the man over and over so I held her hands so she dropped the knife
"I.. It's ok now we'll go to my father he works in a hospital nearby" she nodded
"Can you run?"

I held her hand and led her to the hospital it took us five minutes running there when we reached the hospital I saw that my dad was outside talking to someone when he saw me he had a terrified look I have never seen before I explained the whole thing that happened and the girl did too, my dad called the police and went with them to check the guy and the girl's parents. He sent us with a doctor to get checked I was fine but the girl had to have a bandage on her head and ankle she had a bruise near her ribs but nothing was serious

When her check up ended I went to her room to see her
"Hey umm I know it's a stupid question but how are you feeling now?"
"I..I don't know"
"Thank you for saving me"
"No problem.. I am Eren by the way"
Then my dad entered the room with a short guy
"Poor Mikasa" he said walking towards her then he hugged her
"Uncle Levi" she started to cry
"Hey Eren we should leave them now" my dad told me and I nodded though I waited outside I needed to do something.

Mikasa was allowed now to leave from the hospital she was going with Levi now
"Hey Eren right" Levi asked me
"Thank you for saving Mikasa" he smiled at me and patted my head and I smiled back
"Oh Mikasa"
"Mm" I warped the scarf that my mother made me around her as I saw she was shaking I was keeping it in my dad's room but since I saw her shaking I had to give it to her
"Warm right" I said smiling
"I hope we can meet again"
"Me too Eren" she waved goodbye and left
They found the guy not dead and he confessed about killing her parents they were kind of rich and he has been stalking them but Mikasa got away so he had to kill her.
Since then Mikasa lived with Levi and went to the same school as I am so we became frineds
~End of Flashback~

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